Pacesetter (Pride Rock)
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Date(s) - 11/07/2018
7:30 pm - 8:15 pm
The Q:
Sylvania Pacesetter Park
Date(s) - 11/07/2018
7:30 pm - 8:15 pm
The Q:
Sylvania Pacesetter Park
Pride rock
Q Mickey
bagels Ozzie snake (respect) H2(hate ) Mickey mailman sipe scrum billy bob stalker ( down ranger) goose colonel tweety ( fng) fosters nails
FNG rob burkholder said something on his body resembled a canary and he will forever be “tweety”
5 core principles
The thang
4 stations . Sprint between stations
4 groups 4 people per group
Go thru twice
1st station of each 5/10/20
Pull ups 5
/Australian pull ups
10 back arm lifts
Chainsaws 20 10 each arm
2nd station
Man makers 5
Shoulder taps plank jacks 10 2 is 1
Merkins 20
3rd station
Burpees 5
Lunges 10 2 is 1
Squats 20
4th station
Big boy sit ups 5
Freddie mercuries 10 with a 4 count
American hammers 20 with a 4 count
Bear crawl triangle
Each cone do 9 merkin all the way to 1 in descending order .
Run to cone and back while 8 person team does planks and next person in line does arm curls
Bagels was 6 explained he sees f3 as something that makes him stronger physically and spiritually.
Prayer intentions . Brita s mother in law, Houdini family , troops , and first responders
Colonel asked pax to ABH
Prayer about not being a being a better father brother son and leader of the community .
Thanks for being there Men and pushing us thru what could have been a tough beatdown to finish without each other .