Fort Meigs Ruck (The Necropolis)
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Date(s) - 10/16/2018
5:30 am - 6:30 am
The Q:
Buttermaker & Flo
Fort Meigs
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Perrysburg, ruck
What the ruck is a ruck? A hike with a weighted backpack (approx 30 lbs) while stopping along the brisk walk to do some invigorating exercise. Excellent 1st F (fitness) and 2nd F (fellowship). If an FNG (Friendly New Guy) is a bit timid to post for a workout the ruck is a great intro to the pax.
Ponzi Scheme Training Ruck (Part I)
Pax(12): Huffy, Mile High, Hacksaw, Buttermaker, Dutch,Tupac, Stark, Ponzi,Gepetto, Hazmat, Woodstock, Jennay (8 Ruck, 4 Runners)
FNG: None
Q: Ponzi
MIssion of F3
Principles of F3
Ruck from Ft. Meigs and downtown and back. Along the way, Ponzi tells part I of the story behind our mastermind, Carlos Ponzi.
The Carlos Ponzi story begins in 1919 and therefore to mark that year 1919, when Ponzi deceives many, the Pax removed rucksacks and shoulder press the rucksack 19 times. The pax continue the ruck and stop at the corner of Front and Rte 25. The pax remember the $4.0million lost due to the ponzi scheme and therefore the Pax arm curl the rucksack 40 times. Pax continue on a very quick paced cardio workout in order to make it back to Ft. Meigs and complete 5K.. Pax arrives at precisely 6:20am.
SIxth: Woodstock
Annoucements: FROG Nov 10 and Upcoming Convergence
Prayers: Those effected by Hurrican Michael