Fort Meigs Ruck (The Necropolis)
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Date(s) - 10/23/2018
5:30 am - 6:30 am
The Q:
Buttermaker & Flo
Fort Meigs
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Perrysburg, ruck
What the ruck is a ruck? A hike with a weighted backpack (approx 30 lbs) while stopping along the brisk walk to do some invigorating exercise. Excellent 1st F (fitness) and 2nd F (fellowship). If an FNG (Friendly New Guy) is a bit timid to post for a workout the ruck is a great intro to the pax.
Autumn Ruck
Date: 10/23/18
Time: 5:30am to 6:30am
Location: The Necropolis…aka Fort Meigs Ohio’s 1812 Battlefield
QIC: Geppetto
PAX: 15 total – Bourbon, Bambi, Woodstock, Ponzi, Montoya, Tupac, Huffy, Stark, Hazmat, Hombre, Yeti, Artois, Dutch, Jennay, Geppetto
No FNG’s, so right into Mission and Principles.
F3 – Fitness, Fellowship, Faith
Mission –Plant, grow and serve small workout groups for men for the invigoration of male community leadership.
The core principles of F3 are that it must:
• Be free of charge
• Be open to all men
• Be held outdoors, rain or shine, heat or cold
• Be led by men who participate in the workout in a rotating fashion, with no training or certification necessary. You versus you. Modify or stop an exercise if you need to. The most important thing is that nobody gets hurt.
• End with a Circle of Trust
Count-O-Rama to ensure we end with the same number we start with – Fifteen.
The “Thang”: After COR, Bourbon, Stark, Bambi, Dutch, Woodstock, and Jennay headed out on their run and the remaining PAX gathered for the ruck. Goal for the ruck was to climb the Rivercrest Park sled hill and then head back. Single coupon – an approximate 12lbs pumpkin with F3 sticker. We headed out 2×2 with Tupac on the coupon and YHC on the shovel flag. We rotated counterclockwise every five minutes which allowed everyone the opportunity to carry the coupon and shovel flag. We started off heading west through the fort parking lot and then south on Ft Meigs Rd. From there, right onto Fox Run, left onto Hawksbury, right onto Eaglecrest and left onto Hunters Run. This placed us at Rivercrest Park where we headed towards the sled hill but our pace prevented us from getting there and we needed to head back. We rucked towards Ft Meigs Elementary, then north up the park entrance drive. East on Eckel Junction and then north on Ft Meigs road back to the Fort.
Total ruck distance: Approx 2.5 miles.
We ended in a Circle of Trust with Count-O-Rama, Name-O-Rama, The Six, Announcements and a Ball of Man with prayer. Hazmat was the Six and shared his story from a year ago when he showed up late to a ruck and could not catch up to the group because his fitness level was so low. A year later, he is a better man physically and spiritually and he appreciates the encouragement he gets from the group. Announcements included Toledo AO Convergence on Saturday morning and F3/FiA Family Ruck on Saturday afternoon. Tupac encouraged everyone to make time to post for a Monday evening workout to get some momentum going for the Hamburger Hill AO. Prayers for Bambi and his family and their new baby, prayers for Shakira, and praise for Woodstock on his 1 year F3 anniversary. His leadership makes us all better men. Amen.
Moleskin/Spreadsheet from the Gloom:
• Artois tweaked his back while rucking, so we slowed our pace slightly as to not leave the six behind. Tupac rucked alongside Artois to keep him company. I am always impressed by the way this group supports each other.
• Respect to Hombre for posting while in Perrysburg. Always great to see him post with us.