Southview High School – 6:30 am Beatdown

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Date(s) - 09/02/2017
6:30 am - 7:30 am

The Q:

Southview High School



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3 replies
  1. Anonymous
    Anonymous says:

    These 32 brave souls ventured from the comfort of their morning slumbers and to meet the challenge put forth by Willie and Dauber:
    Balko, Sideshow, Worm, Gadget, Mary Lou, Mater, Brita, Klinger, Trapeze, Goose, Ollie, The Macchio, The Mayor, Nails, Edison, Rocko, Waz, Stamper, Mercy, Rose, Romano, Ozzie, Sheriff, Sally, Brute, Fosters, Scrooge. 3FNGs earned their nicknames today: Keaton, Flutie, and Kiwi.

    After a brief intro, some Phelps, and leg stretches, Willie broke the Pax into 4 groups and led us on a mosey over to field for a little NASCAR. While 2 groups paced around the cones (the path was about 200 yds) The other two completed a minute of exercises listed in opposite corners. When the minute was up the groups switched places. This pattern was repeated for 10 exercises. The order of exercises: LBC, Squats,Merkins, Burpees, Diamond Merkins, Jump Squats, Butterfly Kicks, Jumping Jacks, Plank, and Hindu Push-ups.
    Willie then ordered high 5s all around.
    Dauber explained “15-0” – start on the end zone 15 squats, 15 merkins, 15 LBCs, bear crawl 10 yds, 14 squats, merkins, and LBCs lunge 10 yds, repeat the pattern until you work down to 1 . Sprint to the end zone and complete a victory lap. Plank up while the rest of the PAX finished.After another high 5 celebration, We then broke into 4 teams ( on two fields ) and did some chaotic cardio by playing Ultimate Football.
    In the circle we prayed for Nicole, Woz’s father, Alex, Mad Dog and his family as they deal the passing of his mother-in-law, Goose’s mom, Kate, Brita’s dad, Worm’ s friend Mike, Foster’s in-laws, guidance for Worm’s conference, Mike Koperski, and patience for us all.

  2. Dauber
    Dauber says:

    These 32 brave souls ventured from the comfort of their morning slumbers and to meet the challenge put forth by Willie and Dauber:
    Balko, Sideshow, Worm, Gadget, Mary Lou, Mater, Brita, Klinger, Trapeze, Goose, Ollie, The Macchio, The Mayor, Nails, Edison, Rocko, Waz, Stamper, Mercy, Rose, Romano, Ozzie, Sheriff, Sally, Brute, Fosters, Scrooge. 3FNGs earned their nicknames today: Keaton, Flutie, and Kiwi.

    After a brief intro, some Phelps, and leg stretches, Willie broke the Pax into 4 groups and led us on a mosey over to field for a little NASCAR. While 2 groups paced around the cones (the path was about 200 yds) The other two completed a minute of exercises listed in opposite corners. When the minute was up the groups switched places. This pattern was repeated for 10 exercises. The order of exercises: LBC, Squats,Merkins, Burpees, Diamond Merkins, Jump Squats, Butterfly Kicks, Jumping Jacks, Plank, and Hindu Push-ups.
    Willie then ordered high 5s all around.
    Dauber explained “15-0” – start on the end zone 15 squats, 15 merkins, 15 LBCs, bear crawl 10 yds, 14 squats, merkins, and LBCs lunge 10 yds, repeat the pattern until you work down to 1 . Sprint to the end zone and complete a victory lap. Plank up while the rest of the PAX finished.After another high 5 celebration, We then broke into 4 teams ( on two fields ) and did some chaotic cardio by playing Ultimate Football.
    In the circle we prayed for Nicole, Woz’s father, Alex, Mad Dog and his family as they deal the passing of his mother-in-law, Goose’s mom, Kate, Brita’s dad, Worm’ s friend Mike, Foster’s in-laws, guidance for Worm’s conference, Mike Koperski, and patience for us all.

  3. Mr. Belding
    Mr. Belding says:

    17 PAX posted for a serious iron session at Faith Hill:
    Glitch, Wake, Sipe, Colonel, Froman, Valdez, Cooter, Ticket, Splinter Bluto, Hustle, Hacksaw, Honeymoon, Tang and Belding. FNGs Pastel and Hi-C.

    The first 40 mins consisted of a High Intensity Interval Training Session. Each exercise–20 seconds on and 10 seconds off for four minutes per exercise.

    Pax completed all 32 intervals:

    1. Tabata Bicep curl with weight plate
    2. Tabata Squat with weight plate
    3. Tabata Sit-up
    4. Tabata Weight behind head tricep curl
    5. Tabata Thruster with weight plate
    6. Tabata Russian twist.
    7. Tabata Weight plate press overhead.
    8. Tabata Lunge with weight plate
    9. Tabata plank hold with weight on back
    10. Tabata bench press weight plate

    Ended the first F session with a few farmers walk relays for good measure. Great first turnout at the new Saturday AO. Intentions for Mad Dog’s family, Houston, fathers of Mickey, Brita, and Cooter as well as Hustle’s brotherr.

    Shout out to Hacksaw for the assist. Appreciate all the other PAX who brought some extra steel.I bet we had 1000 lbs there today!

    Rumor has it that some guys are a little sore tonight!


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