Burnham Park – 5:30 am Beatdown
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Date(s) - 09/07/2017
5:30 am - 6:15 am
The Q:
Burnham Park
Date(s) - 09/07/2017
5:30 am - 6:15 am
The Q:
Burnham Park
9.7.17 Backblast
AO: Burnham Park – The Boiler – Wonderful 48 degree start to the day and official notice from Mother Nature that fall is upon us and winter is not far away – I cannot wait and pray that each pax member that is posting consistently continues to do so when we hit single digits!
QIC: Colonel
PAX posting:
Cogsworth, Rose, Honeymoon, Bluto, Glitch, Belding, Brute, El Chapo, Pixar, Gadget, Ollie, Kitty, Brita, Wake, Scrooge, Mickey, Splinter, Hustle, Klinger, Hacksaw, Gilligan, Oz, H2, Froman, Sipe, Ticket, Mailman, Worm, Trapeze, Springs, Box, Willy, Jimmy Dean, Stamper, Colonel
35 Strong Pax (#problematic) Circled up around the non-functioning fountain for a quick count-r-ama to gauge size of pax to go into the pain stations later.
Quick review of principles and re-iteration that everything we do is free, peer led and imperative that every man realize it’s “You vs. You” and “You” have to know your limits. Performed 20 SSH in cadence (Klinger complimented the Colonel on not screwing it up).
In Circle attempted to make Belding comfortable with some Bon Jovi to start the day with “Living on a Prayer” incorporating 3rd and 1st F into the start. We planked for the 4 min song with merkins when the chorus was belted out by Jon – totaled 4 min plank with 10 merkins”
Run down to bottom of Fairview Hill and back up (SSH at bottom while we waited for the 6) ~600meters
The Thang:
7 stations rotated through 3 times – 1st Rd was 1:10, 2nd Rd was 0:50 and 3rd Rd was 0:40
Station 1 – Pull-ups to failure and then negative
Station 2 – Burpees, jump over lawn hoops, Burpees – repeato til switch station
Station 3 – Swing Saw Planks for Core
Station 4 – Decline Merkins on the Wall (Mickey did 26+ each time = machine)
Station 5 – Bear Crawl to the flag and back ~20 yds
Station 6 – Triceps Dips on benches around fountain
Station 7 – Weighted Squats (pick your weight – 60 lb sandbag, 50 lb KB, 35 lb KB, 40 lb sandbag, 25 Med ball
Upon finishing 3 rounds did a poorly communicated/arranged wheelbarrow relay race – 20 yds down, switch 20 yds back b/c Belding wanted more upper body/shoulder work
Circled back up and called out Trapeze, Gadget and Cogsworth for their need to lead since they have now posted 20 times without Q-ing or co-Qing a workout. They are now the longest tenured pax members to not Q so bug the heck out of them to Q please.
Cogsworth was called out to lead the last 3 minutes and he picked 25 SSH, 20 sec plank and Guantanamo to finish the beatdown.
COT lead by Cogsworth with a strong prayer to go out from the gloom focusing on being stronger in every way for ourselves and our families. Prayers for Mickey’s Aunt, those impacted by Cancer and silent prayers for those of us fighting silent battles whatever those may be.
Honored to Q this morning and appreciate the efforts of so many pax that consistently post for workouts as well as those that have come in recently. Getting stronger in 1st F, 2nd F and 3rd F as well as numbers! Addtionally so many men are stepping into leadership positions across the AO’s and the F3Toledo region. If you have a desire to site Q, an idea to Q and ways to keep pax posting and pull more men into this free gift that is F3 speak up and be heard #starfish #freedtolead