The Ant Hill (Stranahan Elementary)

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Date(s) - 02/11/2021
5:30 am - 6:15 am

The Q:
Irish Springs

Stranahan Elementary


boot camp, Sylvania

Bootcamp Style Beatdown enjoying everything nature has to offer. This site offers a Playground for pull-ups, a large field full of …you guessed it…ant hills, and secret access into one of our best MetroParks.

2 replies
  1. Anonymous
    Anonymous says:

    Q = Tupac

    PAX = Sipe, Mole, Ticket, Johnny, Beaker, Ollie, Chum, Irish Spring, Poodle


    102 4 count Side Straddle Hops

    Station 1

    20 Merkins, 25 Plank Jack Shoulder taps, 30 Squats, Suicides

    Lunge to station 2

    Station 2

    5 Absolutions, 10 Lt Dans, 15 Klinger kicks 2 is one

    Backward lunge to station 3

    Station 3

    5 Burpies, 10 Lunges per leg, 15 Imperial Walkers

    Lunge to station 4

    Station 4

    20 Side straddle Hops, 25 American Hammer 2 is one, 30 Little Baby Crunches

    Jog to station 1

    Repeato till time, with a rest in between to move cars for salt truck.

    COR, NOR, know the 6, Announcements, too many to mention, and COT

  2. Brian Lambert
    Brian Lambert says:

    Q (VQ): Brian “Chum” Lambert

    PAX = Minnie, Klinger, Rubble, Tupac, Bambi, Bullock, Jeter, Mole, Kasem, Hamster, Brute, Colonel, Smails, Nails, Mailman, Trinity, Poodle, Irish Springs, Danica, Beaker, Tidwell, Dory, Johnny, Chum

    Warmup: Side straddle hops, Windmills, Block overhead carries for distance
    Using a block or equivalent:
    Swings x 20
    OHP x 18
    Curls x 16
    Klinger Kicks (block overhead) x 14 (2 is 1)
    Upright Row x 12
    Incline Merkins (feet on block) x 10
    American Hammers (feet off ground, with block) x 8 (2 is 1)
    Sumo Deadlift with jump x 6
    Man Makers x 4
    Thrusters x 2

    • Once finished with the thrusters, run 1 lap around Stranahan, drop off the Swings, and begin with OHP

    • Once finished with the thrusters, run 1 lap around Stranahan, drop off the OHP, and begin with Curls

    • Repeat this sequence AMRAP

    COR, NOR, know the 6 (Bullock), announcements, prayer intentions, closing prayer/COT


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