The Ant Hill (Stranahan Elementary)
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Date(s) - 02/18/2021
5:30 am - 6:15 am
The Q:
Irish Springs
Stranahan Elementary
Bootcamp Style Beatdown enjoying everything nature has to offer. This site offers a Playground for pull-ups, a large field full of …you guessed it…ant hills, and secret access into one of our best MetroParks.
“Heat Wave”
Pax Present: Hedgehog; Irish Springs; Cogsworth; Tupac; Kasem; Chum; Ticket; Pinewood; Johnny; Poodle;
QIC: Poodle
After yesterday’s -7 temperature today felt balmy at 19 with some light snow. Pax got after it right away to stay warm:
Welcome; 5 Core; Mission, Credo;
Warm up; 20 SSH IC; high knees, butt kicks
Increase by 5 each round; run to end of parking lot after each set; karaoke between 1-2; 3-4; lunge walk between 2-3; 4-1
1: 10 merkins; 10 supermans; 10 Leg Lifts; 10 jump squats
Run to end of lot and back; karaoke to station 2
2: 10 Mike Tyson; 10 John Travolta (each side); 10 Klinger Kicks (2-1); 10 Lt Dans
Run to end of lot and back; broad jump to station 3
3: 10 diamond merkins; 10 big boy; 10 Hip Thrusters; 10 lunges (each leg)
Run to end of lot and back; karaoke to station 4
4: 10 carolina dry docks; 10 klinger kicks (2-1) ; 10 Pickle Pounders; 10 speed skaters (2-1)
Run to end of lot and back; broad jump to station 1
Solid words from Pinewood as the 6. Describing the accountability and motivation from other Pax to keep getting better.
Prayers for all health, shelter, and wellness.
Always an honor for the opportunity to lead!