The Crucible (Cherry Street Mission)

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Date(s) - 06/30/2020
5:30 am - 6:30 am

The Q:
Mr. Belding

Cherry Street Mission


boot camp, Toledo

Bootcamp Style beatdown in the spacious parking lot outside of the Cherry Street Mission’s Life Revitalization Center.

2 replies
  1. Anonymous
    Anonymous says:

    Q=5 0
    Pax=trojan,Tupac, rocketman, mayor, britta, charmin, isosceles, brute, rubble, gap, dauber, ozzie, Pixar, trinity, klenger

  2. Anonymous
    Anonymous says:

    Great job 5’o on your VQ.
    Additional info.

    Q= 5 o
    PAX = Trojan, Tupac, Rocket Man, Mayor, Brita, Charmin, isosceles, brute, Rubble, Gap, Dauber, Ozzie, , Pixar, Trinity, Klinger.

    Mission statement, 5 core principles.

    Warmups, 15 reps of each, merkins, side straddle hops and windmills

    The thang. Broke into 4 groups and each went to a station. There were stations with two exercises of 10 reps each.
    1 merkins, chain breakers
    2 American hammers, big boy situps
    3 diamond merkins, lunges
    4 side straddle hops, squats

    Ended in COR, NOR, announcements and COT


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