The Fuse (Southview HS)
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Date(s) - 09/28/2019
6:00 am - 7:00 am
The Q:
Southview High School
Where it all started! Typical routine: warm-up with Merkins, stretching, side-straddle-hops, etc. Then proceed to the track and/or field for running mixed with strength training. Finish off with the C.O.P (circle of pain) for merkins, planks, ab work, supermans, etc.
SATURDAYS always followed up with 2nd F (fellowship) at local restaurant (changes periodically, they will announce location typically in the COT after the beatdown). Great opportunity to get to know members of F3 Toledo and refuel from the workout.

09/28/19 – Cornerstone
Site: The Fuse
Q: Splinter
Pax: Chanel, Sipe, FNG – “McEnroe”, Tidwell, Trojan, Kimble, Goose, Ticket, Splinter
The Thang:
No warm-up and right into it this morning…the plan was to hit all areas and corners of the best AO in the area.
We mosey’d over to the school bus parking lot where we did the following:
-20 Merkins
-Weave diagonally touching each light pole across the parking lot to the opposite end.
-20 Merkins
-20 Mountain Climbers (4 is 1)
-Weave diagonally touching each light pole across the parking lot to the starting end.
-20 Mountain Climbers (4 is 1)
-Mosey’d over to the soccer field
-20 Merkins
-Back Pedal the length of the field
-20 Merkins
-20 Big-boy situps
-Back Pedal the length of the field
-20 Big-boy situps
-Mosey’d over to marching band field
-20 Merkins
-Run to the 50 yard line
-Bear crawl remaining 50 yards
-25 Squats
-Mosey’d around school to tennis courts
-Burpee / Suicides (1 Burpee at starting end of tennis court, run to first court, do a burpee, run back to start do a burpee, run past next court, burpee, run back burpee, so on and so forth. (10 burpees and lots of running).
-Mosey’d over to corner near baseball outfield
-50 SSH IC
-Mosey’d over to Bleachers of lacross field
-Lined up on bleachers
-40 Dips IC
-Mosey’d back to shovel flag
-20 Stump Huggers
NOR / COR – Welcome to F3 Toledo – Brian “McEnroe” Davis! Awesome having you this morning and hope to see you again soon! Nice work recruiting Chanel!
GTKT6- Kimble shared with us his story and F3 journey thus far, great story on his EHing.
COT – Prayers for those recovering from illness, families that have endured recent tragedy.
All in all i think i heard goose say we got in about 2.75 miles and stayed moving for pretty much the whole time!
Great work out there today men!