The Gauntlet (Rivercrest Park)
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Date(s) - 10/28/2019
5:30 am - 6:15 am
The Q:
Rivercrest Park
boot camp, Perrysburg
Bootcamp style workout. Huge AO! 1/2 mile and .9 mile track. 2 Large pieces of playgroup equipment for pullups and hanging exercises. Over half a dozen soccer and lacrosse fields. The possibilities are endless for your Monday beatdowns!
The First Monday of each month will be a Murph workout in honor of Lt. (SEAL) Michael Murphy.
Baskin Robbins.
PAX: Landslide, Chubbs, Hannibal, Mile High, Popeye, Rango, Berretta, Isoceles, Spaulding, Charmin, Bongo, Huffy, Jennay, Woodstock
QIC: Woodstock
The Thang:
AMRAP -15 minutes:
31 Merkins, 31 Jump Squats, 5 cone suicides, 31 dips.
AMRAP – 10 minutes
5 pullups, 10 BBSU, 15 Flutter Kicks (2 is 1), NUR 3 cone suicides
Circle Up.
Plank 60 Ct
30 second tuck jumps
Plank 60 Ct
30 second tuck jumps
25 cadence SSH
60 ct 6″ leg lift and hold
20 lunges (2 is 1)
I prefer a variety of flavors in ice cream, beer, food, and life in general. Workouts are no exception. So how do you get a decent variety of work in a 45 minute beatdown without compromising quality and still getting enough volume of work on targeted body parts to make sure everyone feels good about it? (thats a legit question, I wish I knew the answer).
Today’s beatdown didnt have that much variety, it focused on solid upper body work volume, with explosive lower body work and some core to tie it together. It also made you, the PAX, decide if you wanted to push yourself or take it easy. IronPAX style workouts are for Sundays, but it definitely has me considering bringing those concepts more when I Q and making sure I push myself harder when I am not. This morning was no exception and thanks Spaulding for the push and the other 12 guys showing up and pushing themselves. no one dogged it on this one and it was just great to be a part of.
Ended with COT, Jennay was the 6 and related why he is a part of F3 and how it has made him better. Proud to have this HIM as part of F3 and see how he pushes, encourages, and helps the group grow. Also glad to know he figured out who Lt Dan is.