The Ruckus (Harroun Park)

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Date(s) - 02/09/2021
5:15 am - 6:15 am

The Q:
Dr. Nick

Harroun Park


ruck, Sylvania


What the ruck is a ruck?  A hike with a weighted backpack (approx 30 lbs) while stopping along the brisk walk to do some invigorating exercise. Excellent 1st F (fitness) and 2nd F (fellowship). If an FNG (Friendly New Guy) is a bit timid to post for a workout the ruck is a great intro to the pax.

2 replies
  1. Chris Fondren
    Chris Fondren says:


    Useless Facts:
    1. Term derived from the Famous Iditarod Race mushed up with a Ruck Q.
    2. Iditarod is 1049 miles long. Our Ruck was 3.4 miles.
    3. The race is run in Alaska across multiple cities and terrains including ice, snow, forests, and rivers. Our Ruck was in Sylvania, OH on paved paths in Harroun park and a cemetery. One trip over the ravaging Ten Mile Creek.
    4. The Iditarod is run with 16 Alaskan Huskies and our Ruck was hiked with 7 Husky Dudes: Beaker, Koresh, Nails, Thong Song, Jonny, Dr Nick, Bambi.
    5. Temperatures in the Iditarod can reach -100 wind chill. Our windchill this Ruck was 16 deg F.
    6. The sled dogs pull one crazy person and upwards of 3000 dog booties and lots of dog food. Our dudes carried the American Flag and 10-30lb weight packs!
    7. Sled dogs need 8-10,000 calories per day for the race. We burned just over 550 calories.
    8. Iditarod has many Alaskan majestic views. We traversed the Toledo Memorial Cemetery and paid tribute to a majestic 911 memorial in the NW corner of the cemetery.
    My first Q and it’s a pleasure to be a part of F3 and growing community!! Bambi head-locked by @Colonel. Signing off.

  2. Chris Fondren
    Chris Fondren says:


    Useless Facts:
    1. Term derived from the Famous Iditarod Race mushed up with a Ruck Q.
    2. Iditarod is 1049 miles long. Our Ruck was 3.4 miles.
    3. The race is run in Alaska across multiple cities and terrains including ice, snow, forests, and rivers. Our Ruck was in Sylvania, OH on paved paths in Harroun park and a cemetery. One trip over the ravaging Ten Mile Creek.
    4. The Iditarod is run with 16 Alaskan Huskies and our Ruck was hiked with 7 Husky Dudes: Beaker, Koresh, Nails, Thong Song, Jonny, Dr Nick, Bambi.
    5. Temperatures in the Iditarod can reach -100 wind chill. Our windchill this Ruck was 16 deg F.
    6. The sled dogs pull one crazy person and upwards of 3000 dog booties and lots of dog food. Our dudes carried the American Flag and 10-30lb weight packs!
    7. Sled dogs need 8-10,000 calories per day for the race. We burned just over 550 calories.
    8. Iditarod has many Alaskan majestic views. We traversed the Toledo Memorial Cemetery and paid tribute to a majestic 911 memorial in the NW corner of the cemetery.


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