Timberstone Jr. High (Stone Wolfe)
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Date(s) - 03/20/2019
5:30 am - 6:15 am
The Q:
Timberstone Jr High
Bootcamp style workout that uses the track, plenty of open grass, and a large parking lot. Meet at the basketball courts!
Stone Wolfe Beatdown, March 20th
We had 20 Pax out for the beatdown this morning. We went through the five core principles and the you versus you reminder. The idea was a a challenging full body workout with some fast paced 400 meter runs mixed in. There were three circuits for the workout with each movement lasting for one minute unless noted below. PAX were encouraged to set a goal for total reps in the given time and share it with the guy next to them, to increase accountability and give incentive to perform to the best of their ability. PAX were also encouraged to finish the 400 meter run in less than 2 minutes.
Circuit 1
Crossover Toe Touch
Alternating Lunges
Hand Release merkins
Jump Squats
Big Boy Sit ups
400 Meter Run
Circuit 2
Walking Merkin
V ups
Mountain Climbers
Basketball Lunges
Compound Merkins
400 Meter Run
Circuit 3
LT Dans
High Toe Touches
Leg Raises
Staggered Merkin (switch at 15)
Buster Poseys
Spider Man Plyo Merkins
400 Meter Run
Mosey back to the flag.
Count-O-Rama: 20
Name-O-Rama: Trapeze,Shmails, Cogsworth, Klinger, Danica, Scrooge, Mailman, Tidwell, Huckleberry, McMurray, Extra Extra, Ollie, Brute, Bullock, Poodle, Rabbit, Jeter, Uber, Minnie, and Mole as Q.
Know the 6: Scrooge. He shared how meaningful F3 is as he was out for a couple weeks with the flu and that sometimes you don’t know how meaningful it is to you, until it is taken away from you, even if it is for a short time.
Prayer Intentions: None spoken, but we prayed for the troops and first responders. We prayed for effectiveness and that we would be a Christian example in our sphere of influence – at work, at home, in the community.
Thanks to all who came out today. It is always an honor and a privilege to lead.