A Beatdown to Start and Back (The Oasis) – 2/10/18

Q – Gap

PAX – Meatloaf, Dauber, Simple Jack, Gadget, Worm, Mayor, Ticket, Rocco, Modell, Bluto, Mercy, Mother Rucker, Johvon “Jingle Bells” Ford – FNG

Opening – Brief rundown of F3 purpose, principles and agenda.

Warmup – Side straddle hops

The Thang –
Moseyed to the Start High School parking lot to begin the first part of the beatdown.

First aisle – Imperial Walkers (15 each leg), then air squat rotating twist to the opposite end where we completed Mountain Climbers (15 each leg). Hold plank for the six.

Second aisle – Imperial Walkers (15 each leg), then lunge to the opposite end where we completed Mountain Climbers (15 each leg). Hold plank for the six.

Third aisle – Imperial Walkers (15 each leg), then high knees to the opposite end where we completed Mountain Climbers (15 each leg). Hold plank for the six.

Moseyed back to the Oasis meeting at the playground. Al Gores waiting on the six.

All members of the PAX assumed plank position with one member at the pull up bars. Member called out on pull up while the rest of PAX went down and counted off. Member would complete reps up to ten then rotated to next member until all PAX completed pull ups.

Mosey to the parking lot where we completed:

American Hammers (20 each side)
Big Boy Sit ups (30 each)
Plank up downs “Stump Huggers” (20 each)
Air Squats (30 each)
Side Straddle Hops (20 Each)

COT – Prayers for Sideshow’s mom, Meatloaf’s cousin, a prayer of thankfulness, for the troops who make it possible through their sacrifice, and those unspoken. Reminder to complete Cherry Street Mission survey, look for future shoe donation opportunity coming up and to keep EHing new members while reaching out to those who haven’t posted lately.

2nd F at Executive Diner

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