Move with Purpose (The Caddyshack) – 2/13/18

QIC – Stark
PAX – Dauber, Modell, Jimmy Dean, Mother Rucker

A very icy and treacherous journey this morning. Mad respect to those neighbors and businesses that took time to clean their sidewalks. We were tempted to use Betty as an ice pick and the Shovel flag to remove the snow, but thought it would look a little suspicious on the side of Monroe street with big black sand bags and us chopping away at the sidewalk…so we pressed on. After 1 mile deep and passed the point of no return I learn that Modell is more scared of ice then oncoming public transportation. Luckily for all, and praises to above, nobody found the sidewalk other then with the soles of their feet. And as added fun every mile, while juggling a phone and a coupon, YHC recited the 4 quadrants of leadership from the Q source. G3L – Get RIght, Live Right, Lead Right, Leave Right.

Total 3.3 miles, 0 Slips or Falls, 100% Male Companionship
COR, NOR, COT – Prayers for Colt, Patience, Bluto’s Noggin, New Jobs, Health and growth of our PAX

It was an awesome morning and great seeing these men. Let’s keep spreading the word on this AO and grow it. There is big potential for the Spring to explode here.


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