February 2020 Ruck – Backblast
Grand Rapids to Village Idiot Ruck
February 1, 2020
Grand Rapids to Farnsworth Metropark: 0500-0800
Farnsworth Metropark to Village Idiot, Maumee, OH: 0800-1130
Qs: Isosceles, Mercy
PAX: Stark, Whispers, Slurpee, Van Gogh, Red Ryder, Billy Bob, Lonzo, Ponzi, Ticket, Huckleberry, Thai Guy, Flo, Bongo, Otto
The Ruck

Started at Grand Rapids public library at 0500. 5 PAX (Van Gogh, Isosceles, Mercy, Billy Bob,) rucked approximately 9 miles with 3 60# Sandbag coupons.
The PAX crossed the bridge over the Maumee, and were EH’d by Billy Bob who lives in Grand Rapids, as he was driving to the beatdown and ruck at the Battlefield. Switching the sandbags and flag, the group was making good time.
Around mile 3, Red Ryder’s shin splints started flaring up, and he chose to turn back. He took a sandbag with him. We didn’t want him to turn around, but he was in pain and it was his call.
The 5 left pushed forward with the flag and sandbag, stopping once for a bathroom break. There was not much time to do anything else, as the group pushed hard to make the 0800 time hack. It was a good time, and it was a hard time. There was good conversation, as always, but there’s not much more to say other than it was just a hard ruck. The group arrived at the end of Leg 1, right on time with nothing to spare.
At 0800, the rest of the crew met the group at Farnsworth Metropark after most did the normal 1 hour ruck and 1 hour beatdown at the Battlefield. Before starting the 8 miles trek to Maumee, the group did 5 sets of 10 burpees, with rucksacks on.
We headed out and rucked 1.5 miles to Waterworks park and did 2 rounds of the following PT:
- 10 ruck curl to press
- 10 reverse lunges (2 is 1)
- 10 upright rows
- 10-20 squats (2 is 1)
We rucked through Waterville and headed to Sidecut metro which was approximately 4 miles away. We traded coupons every 5 minutes and made the guys join new conversations. We made it to Sidecut by 1015. The PAX did a quick relay race of bear crawls and coupon carry. We crossed the road and started the team evolution.

The team evolution was to take the following items and create a “cart” that would carry the coupons approximately 1.5 miles.
- 2 – 8’ 2”x4”
- 1 – 4’ 1”x2
- 1 – 3’x2’ piece of plywood
- 100’ of 0.25” paracord
- 1 – tire
- 1 – 2’ 1”x2”
- 1 – ratchet strap
- 1 – axe handle
- 1 – knife
Time Hack was 15 minutes to build cart. The PAX did a great job of delegating tasks and working together to make a wheelbarrow type cart that was mobile. After a little trial and error, the cart was moving. Guys traded off and everyone pitched in. There were a few attempts to just carry the cart, but it was decided that less energy was used pulling the cart and using the wheel.

The final push was up a hill through Isosceles yard…everyone was spent! Walked to St. Joe’s parking lot to hand in our winter/spring workout clothes to Cherry Street Mission and snap a quick photo.
Finally, we strolled into the Village Idiot for some 2nd F over pizza and beer….man they both tasted amazing!

What a great group of PAX on this ruck. The mood was light, the effort was great, and everyone finished strong. It was an honor for Mercy and I to lead this group. Thank you for making it a solid event.
2nd F Attendance:
Stark, Huckleberry, Ponzi, 2Pac, Flo, Thai Guy, Mercy, Isosceles, Slurpee, Whispers, Bongo, Otto, Ticket