Close Park (The Oasis)

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Date(s) - 06/29/2019
6:30 am - 7:30 am

The Q:

Close Park


boot camp, Toledo

Boot camp style workout.

Typical routine: warm-up with Merkins, stretching, side-straddle-hops, etc.  Then proceed to the playground equipment and/or field for running mixed with strength training.  Finish off with the C.O.P (circle of pain) for merkins, planks, ab work, supermans, etc.

SATURDAYS always followed up with 2nd F (fellowship) at Executive Diner on Sylvania.

1 reply
  1. Bourbon
    Bourbon says:

    Bourbon BINGO Beatdown:

    Date: 06/29/2019
    Time: 6:30 – 7:30 AM
    Location: The Oasis (Close Park)

    Q: Bourbon

    PAX: 17 total including 2 FNGs (2.0’s): Link, Gadget, Mayor, Rocco, Dauber, Socrates, Glitch, Struxture, Gap, Hoyle, Avalanche, Billy Bob, Spackler, Jimmy Dean, Cricket (FNG), Savant (FNG), and Bourbon (Q)

    F3 Mission: Fitness, Fellowship, Faith; To plant, grow, and serve small workout groups for men for the invigoration of male community leadership

    Principles of F3:
    • It must be free of charge
    • It must be open to all men
    • It must be held outdoor, rain or shine, hot or cold
    • Are led by men who participate in the workout in a rotating fashion, with no training or certification necessary
    • It must end with a Circle of Trust (COT)


    • Warmup with 21’s. As many rounds as it takes to complete together. 10 burpee penalty for each missed round.
    o We barely missed the mark twice resulting in two rounds of 10 penalty burpees.
    o This was attempted again in between the first and second rounds of BINGO and the PAX again missed the mark and ended with 10 more penalty burpees.
    • Mosey to BINGO playing area

    • BINGO:
    o Card deck of bingo cards is shuffled
    o Each member of the group is provided a bingo card (double up if more than 25)
    o A bingo card is flipped and the corresponding exercise is performed OYO
     50 % of PAX must finish the complete reps and count off
     Once the 50% PAX number counts, all PAX stop and go to next exercise
    o After every 5 cards is flipped, sprint to cones and back 3X by all PAX (50% rule in effect)
    o Exercises:
     B (1-15) = face value # of BURPEES
     I (16-30) = face value # of IMPERIAL SQUAT WALKERS (squat followed by imperial walker)
     N (31-45) = addition of # combo of NIPPLE SCRAPER MERKINS (merkin with chest to the ground)
     G (46-60) = addition of # combo of GROINERS (Starting from a merkin position, thrust your feet forward, landing outside of each hand. Thrust backwards to original position, repeato)
     O (61-75) = addition of # combo of OUTLAWS (Sitting in the position for flutter kicks, keep your feet together and make a big “O” with them); complete the total number for EACH direction (i.e. 61 = 6+1 = 7 outlaws each direction)
    o Whoever wins the BINGO round chooses an exercise that the PAX will complete 100 of OYO reps. 50% rule in effect.

    • Actual beatdown exercises in order:
    o 21 x Side-Straddle Hops (21’s)
    o 10 x Burpees
    o 21 x Side-Straddle Hops (21’s)
    o 10 x Burpees
    o 9 x Outlaws (2 is 1)
    o 8 x Outlaws (2 is 1)
    o 3 x Burpees
    o 12 x Burpees
    o 12 x Groiners
    o 3 x Sprints (to cones and back)
    o 19 x Imperial Squat Walkers
    o 12 x Groiners
    o 23 x Imperial Squat Walkers
    o 9 x Nipple Scraper Merkins
    o 8 x Groiners
    o 3 x Sprints (to cones and back)
    o 18 x Imperial Squat Walkers
    o 7 x Burpees
    o 15 x Outlaws (2 is 1)
    o 12 x Outlaws (2 is 1)
    o 7 x Groiners
    o 3 x Sprints (to cones and back)
    o 21 x Imperial Squat Walkers
    o 6 x Nipple Scraper Merkins
    o 29 x Imperial Squat Walkers
    o 13 x Outlaws (2 is 1)
    o 10 x Nipple Scraper Merkins
    o 3 x Sprints (to cones and back)
    o 10 x Groiners
    o 16 x Imperial Squat Walkers
    o 100 x Plank with Merkins
    o 21 x Side-Straddle Hops (21’s)
    o 10 x Burpees
    o 11 x Groiners
    o 11 x Groiners
    o 9 x Nipple Scraper Merkins
    o 11 x Nipple Scraper Merkins
    o 6 x Nipple Scraper Merkins
    o 3 x Sprints (to cones and back)
    o 27 x Imperial Squat Walkers
    o 100 x Squats

    • Totals for BINGO exercises:
    o 153 x Imperial Squat Walkers
    o 100 x Plank with Merkins
    o 100 x Squats
    o 71 x Groiners
    o 63 x Side-Straddle Hops (21’s)
    o 57 x Outlaws (2 is 1)
    o 52 x Burpees
    o 51 x Nipple Scraper Merkins
    o 15 x Sprints (to cones and back)

    Count-O-Rama and Name-O-Rama

    Learn about the 6th: Soctates

    COT / Prayers and Intentions


    There might have been a special treat of a shot of bourbon at the end of the COT for those that wanted to participate.


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