The Fortress (Woodland Park)
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Date(s) - 10/26/2019
6:30 am - 7:30 am
The Q:
Fort Imagination
boot camp, Perrysburg
Boot camp style workout. At Woodland Park. Two large Playgrounds, Frisbee Golf Course, 1 Mile Dirt Track, HUGE Field. Plenty of space here to craft a diabolical smokefest for even the strongest PAX.
Entrance is off East Boundary. Kip Boulis Drive.
SATURDAYS always followed up with 2nd F (fellowship) at Lamplight Cafe and Bakery located at 121 W. Indiana ave. Great opportunity to get to know members of F3Toledo and refuel from the workout.
QIC – Stark
PAX – Meatloaf, Hannibal, Boyz 2 Men, Bourbon, Huckleberry, Charmin, Jennay, Flo, Casper, Nimbus, Chanel, TuPac, Ponzi, Spaulding, Van Gogh
Warm Up
High Knees 50 Yards, Sprint 50 Yards
High Step 25 Yards, Sprint 75 Yards
Lunge Walk 25 Yards, Sprint 75 Yards
Full Gasser, Down and Back 100 yards
Full Length 100 yard Suicides stopping every 25 yards
Squad Gassers – 2 Teams
Each Team has 2 tires and 4 sledgehammers to traverse across 100 yard field
2 Pax per tire – Tire Flip
2 Pax, 2 Sledgehammers Each, BEAR CRAWL
Remaining PAX, Broad Jump Burpees
Could switch movement twice as a team
Station Work approx 20 mins
Station 1 and 2 were same
10 – Burpees
20 – Bonnie Blaires (2 is 1) or Walking Lunges
30 – Hand Release Merkins
40 – Big Boi Sit-ups
Station 3
10 – Mike Tysons
20 – Hammer Slams
30 – Declined Merkins
40 – American Hammers W/ Hammer 1 is 1
W/O Hammer 2 is 1
Tunnel of Love for approx 40 yards to end the gloom!
COR, NOR, Prayers for Health and Halloween coming up.
Always an Honor
Always my Pleasure