Atalanta *Fun* Running (Rivercrest Park)

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Date(s) - 03/21/2018
5:30 am - 6:15 am

The Q:
Site Q Triad - Boulder, Bambi, Moana

Atalanta *Fun* Run



Lots and lots of cardio and fat burn. Relays, Sprints, Laps around the AO…and usually some Ultimate Frisbee!

Park off Fort Meigs Road. NOT ECKLE JUNCTION

1 reply
  1. Shakira
    Shakira says:

    PAX: Mr Bean, Landslide, Tupac, Woodstock, Shakira (Q)

    Opening with the mission statement of F3 and the 5 principles.

    The snow was spitting and the wind was gusting as we “enjoyed” the second day of spring. We warmed up with some side straddle hops, Imperial Walkers and a lap around the soccer field. The headwind was strong but the resolve of the Pax was stronger, even with the appearance of a random deck of cards. The workout was to be determined by the fate of the cards and in the words of Kenny Rogers-“you’ve got to know when to hold’em and know when to fold’em.” The group sprinted 100 yards down and then 100 yards back before drawing six cards at a time with the group finishing first planking for the six. Hearts=Merkins, Spades=Squats, Clubs=4 count flutter kick and Diamond=4 count mountain climbers with the number on the card representing the number of reps (face cards were 10). Due to the intensity of the wind-the group decided to forgo trying ultimate frisbee.

    Ended with a count-a-rama, meet the 6th (Mr Bean-we adapted since there was only five) and a COT

    Thanks for the honor of leading today gentlemen


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