Atalanta *Fun* Running (Rivercrest Park)
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Date(s) - 05/09/2018
5:30 am - 6:15 am
The Q:
Site Q Triad - Boulder, Bambi, Moana
Atalanta *Fun* Run
Lots and lots of cardio and fat burn. Relays, Sprints, Laps around the AO…and usually some Ultimate Frisbee!
Park off Fort Meigs Road. NOT ECKLE JUNCTION
We had a fun time with a small group! Attending was Woodstock, Janney, Tupac, Bambi and the Q, Landslide. Our first set of exercise was interval training. We would sprint 100 yards and walk to the playground where we would do 10 pull-ups. We would walk back to the 100 yard mark and sprint back. We would take a 30 second break and sprint back to the pull up station. We did this rotation for 30 minutes. At that point we played 2 on 2 with a permanent offensive player of ultimate frisbee. After the game in which the old guys RULED, we ended in a circle of trust.
DATE: 5.09.18
QIC: Colonel
PAX: Splinter, Tupac, Bambi, Jennay, Landslide, Venom, John Henry, Bourbon
Weather: A perfect 53 degrees with no wind, no rain, etc
Gear: Q was looking sharp in F3 Frog t-shirt over a tight blue New Balance long sleeve shirt. Definitely shorts weathers so YHC had on black shorts, no long socks today and some 2 year old, worn out green asics.
The Thang
0530 – Circled up the pax and with NO FNGs in site laid down the core principles of F3 and a mini disclaimer reminding the pax that it is always you vs you and I will throw out some modifiers if deemed necessary feel free to modify. This AO was an ultimate Frisbee AO that will be morphing into a run focused AO. With that becoming the focus we set off or a nice mosey away from the parking locale. As we departed Bourbon let the Q know his disclaimer was weak and that the mission of F3 needed to be told. YHC assumed that he was referring to the fact Splinter may have forgotten being that he is at post #1,082….
Circled up in far parking lot in the darkness. Workout was titled Tame the BEAST. So in cadence we did the following:
Burpees x7
Elbow/Ear Taps with Plank Jack x7 (2 is 1)
American Hammers x7 (2 is 1)
Supermans x7
Tuck Jump Deep Squats x7
Took off to run around the baseball fields and back to the cars.
In our preparation to Tame the Beast (YHC felt the need to continue to remind the pax we are in fact going to prepare to Tame the Beast) YHC set up a starting point and finishing point with the brightest LED lanterns known to mankind.
Lights were ~15 yards apart. The pax did the following:
10 squats, followed by 15 yd bear crawl, 10 merkins and then immediately reverse bear crawl 15 yds back to start.
This proceeded to waterfall down 9, 8, 7…..
At some point – either during the waterfall bear crawl misery or before the Beast – Tupac/Kanye/aspiring Chippendale – decided that 50 degrees was as hot as the Sahari and went shirtless. Bourbon followed suit or Tupac/Kanye started it after Bourbon – don’t know but respect to these two pax members for the freedom and independence to rip their shirts off at the first sing of perspiration.
After our preparation to Tame the Beast we set out to, in fact, Tame the Beast.
Using the parking lot peninsula’s as our markers YHC asked the pax to give AYG or close to it and at each peninsula (3 total) do the following exercises with a full run back to the start after each round. Peninsula’s were ~35 yds apart making for ~100 yd total
6 burpees at each penninsula first time — rd 1
6 Tuck Jump Squats at each peninsula — rd 2
6 Spider-Man Merkins at each peninsula – rd 3
Rd 4 – YHC Switched it up and had pax Frog Hop to the 1st peninsula, Bear crawl from 1 to 2 peninsula and then frog hop to 3rd peninsula.
With the beast tamed the pax did one final Sprint the following exercise at each stop:
Rd 5 – Shoulder tap with Plank Jack each time you touched a shoulder followed by a Merkin x7 – respect to Sipe for this one and I think all realized that it was a tougher than it looked exercise to do at the finish of the beatdown.
Pax ran back and circled up for COR, NOR and COT
All in pax was strong today and definitely tamed the BEAST. Got in ~2.5 miles running and bear crawled roughly 200 yards, crawl bear roughly 150 yards. Additionally got in 25 burpees, 73 Merkins, 80 Squats/Jump Squats, etc.
Venom was the 6
YHC closed us out with prayers to our heavenly father for patience, landslides trip to Hawaii, more pax step up via 3rd F and living 3rd in whatever they feel called to do (Cherry St is but one example and pray more of the pax find their thing b/c others will get behind it).
Great to Q in the Burg and at this AO! Strong work by all pax that posted!