Atalanta *Fun* Running (Rivercrest Park)
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Date(s) - 05/23/2018
5:30 am - 6:15 am
The Q:
Site Q Triad - Boulder, Bambi, Moana
Atalanta *Fun* Run
Lots and lots of cardio and fat burn. Relays, Sprints, Laps around the AO…and usually some Ultimate Frisbee!
Park off Fort Meigs Road. NOT ECKLE JUNCTION
Began with The F3 Mission Statement followed by 5 core principles.
The workout was HIIT, High Intensity Interval Training.
The theme of the workout was to bring the pain and get the Q to puke, passout or giveup.
Each PAX member got to select an exercise they hate and then we would continue untli the Q could go no farther.
The session started with Suicides and then an exercise, then repeat. One Suidice cycle was skipped in the interest of giving each member a chance to punish the Q.
workout is as follows:
* Suicides / @Jonathan ‘Bourbon’ Burn / Lieutenant Dans
* Suicides / @Jake ‘Jennay’ Wittmer / Tri-Level Plank Jacks
* Suicides / @Eric ‘Venom’ Kinor / Crunchy Frog
* Suicides / @Josh ‘Woodstock’ Brown / Burpies
* Suicides / @Craig ‘Bambi’ Springer / 6” open Close leg holds
* @Richard ‘The Fridge’ Smith / Side Straddle Hops
* @Myron ‘Tupac’ Bowers / Suicides / Merkins
Thanks for throwing such an awesome party! No spilled Merlot and I did not passout, but I honestly was dizzy. You guys were very hard on me. I guess that is what friends are for.
Thanks for pushing to the limits. Great job and way to bring the pain.
Ended in a COT. Special shout out to “The Fridge” for showing up to his second beatdown. Now you need to bring your son out to join is in the gloom