Bonus Convergence Reprise
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Date(s) - 10/15/2017
5:30 am - 6:15 am
The Q:
Stark, Virus, Tots
Riverside Park
boot camp, Perrysburg
So the Q’s from the convergence decided to get the full circuit experience and we posted again today.
The Q’s from the convergence decided to repost and complete the workout again OYO. All were welcomed again.
QIC’s – Stark, Virus, Tots
PAX – Stark, Virus, Tots
DOUBLE AO GIANT CIRCUIT between Hood Park and Riverside Park (The Wall).
Hood Park
Station 1:
30 3-count jumping jacks
30 merkins
10 burpees
Bear crawl up stairs
Station 2:
30 squats
30 Mountain Climbers
10 8-count body builders
Run down hill
Station 3:
Bear crawl back up
Run down hill
Run back up
50 push-ups
Run down hill
20 burpees, 30 squats
Riverside Park
Station 1
30 Wide Merkins, 30 Flutter Kicks, 10 Jump Squats
Station 2
30 Dips, 30 LBCs, 10 Box Jumps
Station 3
Partner Wheelbarrow up Stairs, switch at second platform
Station 4
Bear Crawl half way up Long ramp, Run rest of the way to Station 5
Station 5
30 Downward Dog Shoulder Presses, 30 Sit Ups, 10 Jumping Lunges (5 Per Le)
Station 6
30 Single Leg Calf Raises, 30 Curls, 10 Pulse Ups
Station 7
30 Australian Push Ups, 30 Side Lunges (15 per Leg), 10 V-Ups
End with Around the Clock Abs ON the Docks
Stark. Full Group Work. (10 Mins)
-Around the Clock Round 1 – Leg Lifts on Odds and Plank Jacks on evens. Up to 12 o clock. 42 total Reverse Plank Leg Raises, 36 Plank Jacks
-Around the clock Round 2 – Ankle Touches on Evens and Plank Tuck on odds. Up to 12 o clock. 42 total Ankle Touches, 36 Plank Tucks
Count, Name, Prayers and thanks to these men for their continued leadership and health to keep the group going all winter long.