Buddy Bench (Arbor Hills Jr. High)

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Date(s) - 01/13/2020
5:30 am - 6:15 am

The Q:

Arbor Hills Jr. High


boot camp, Toledo

Beatdown style workout with your F3 Brothers. No better way to start off a Monday.

1 reply
  1. Matt Yarder
    Matt Yarder says:

    QIC – Stark
    PAX – Beaker, Poodle, TuPac, Smails, Sipe, Mayor, Mater, Nails, Scrooge, Gap, Huckleberry, Matt “Yosemite” Bigelow (FNG, EHed by TuPac)

    The Thang
    From Many We Are One
    Simple theme, 4 evolutions – Start OYO, Then 2 Man team, Then Two teams spliting the group, Then finally all working toward a goal as one group.

    Weather – Nice mid 30’s, but wet. Been raining for days. Ground too warm to freeze. So upon arrival I modified white board to remove all exercises laying on the ground because YHC didn’t want to to roll around in puddles today…PAX were very happy with the decision 🙂

    Round 1 – OYO
    Ladder Up for 8 minute – Push as hard as you can go for yourself
    1 – 8 Count Body builder, 2 Bonnie Blaires (easy way, 1 is 1), 3 Imperial Walkers
    2 – 8 Count Body builder, 4 Bonnie Blaires (easy way, 1 is 1), 6 Imperial Walkers
    3 – 8 Count Body builder, 6 Bonnie Blaires (easy way, 1 is 1), 9 Imperial Walkers
    …. and so on

    2 minute rest, hard start after two mins

    Round 2
    CORA 123
    As a team of 2. 1 Pax runs around loop in parking lot while other PAX works on reps of the following. When partner one returns they take over on rep count and partner 2 starts to run
    100 – Good Mornings
    200 – Peter Parkers
    300 – Skiers

    2 minute rest, hard start after two mins

    Round 3
    2 teams of 7 today – Seal Jack Indigenous People Run. 800m, 2 laps around track. Last Pax performs 5 Seal Jacks then sprints to Front of line

    2 minute rest, hard start after two mins

    Round 4 – All together
    13 Pax had to keep the extremely heavy battle rope YHC received from Christmas moving at max speed. Pax circled around rope and performed SSH while each PAX went to exhaustion on the rope. Had to keep it moving for an undetermined amount of time until Q called time. Easily the most enjoyable yet heart pounding portion of the day.

    COR, NOR, Smails was the six. First time YHC got to hear his story. One of the best laughs in our entire region. Keep those smiles in the Gloom Smails, they are infectious.
    Prayers for health during the winter, understanding, and some loved ones struggling with illness.

    Always My Pleasure
    Always an Honor
    Thanks for having me Buddy Bench!


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