Harroun Park (Ruckus)
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Date(s) - 10/16/2018
5:15 am - 6:15 am
The Q:
Klinger and Froman
Harroun Park
Date(s) - 10/16/2018
5:15 am - 6:15 am
The Q:
Klinger and Froman
Harroun Park
What: The Ruckus
Where: Harroun Park
QIC: Froman
PAX: Deuce, Wake, Colonel, Mickey, Trinity, Billy Bob, Dauber, Cousteau, Gap, Tidwell, Bluto, Froman
Conditions: Dark and Cold, Low 30’s
The Thang: 12 PAX joined at Harroun Park for the weekly Ruckus. (13, but Klinger was called to duty just as we were stepping off)
YHC circled up the PAX for a quick Count-O-Rama before explaining how our ruck would go. On many of our rucks, we end up with a group that is spread out due to the differing speeds of the PAX. YHC has often thought and suggested that if you are struggling, lighten the load, and if you are not getting a good workout, add weight. But with no control over what anyone else has in their ruck, YHC decided to take a page out of the day care handbook, and link the group together. So, with about 100 feet of rope, and some Googled knot knowledge, YHC tied off a series of lineman’s loops about every 8 feet.
The PAX were instructed to line up in pairs behind Gap and Cousteau, while YHC had everyone attach the loop to their ruck via carabiner. the rope was set so that everyone walked in pairs, but was connected to the person in front of, and behind. YHC intended to remain untethered and lead from the front, but with the last minute departure of Klinger, it was easier to clip in with the rest of the PAX.
We set off to conquer a trail that a lesser man was unable to complete last week. Gap and Cousteau were flawless in their execution of the outward movement, as we headed east through Harroun Park and towards Harroun Road. We cautiously crossed Harroun Road and made our way to the new section of the Harroun Trail. Since YHC did not rely on information relayed through a civil servant, he was not surprised to find that the previously unfinished crossing was now complete. As the PAX made their way along the winding trail, Dauber’s excitement waned…the anticipated glow of the BK sign was not to be. “Croissanwiches for All” would be the battle cry of another day.
When we reached the end of the Harroun Trail, the group did an about face, and the shovel flag was entrusted to the new lead team of Colonel and Mickey. The PAX was to head back towards Downtown Sylvania via Monroe Street, picking up the Harroun Trail at another point. The route back was adventurous. Was it due to boyish mischief, insubordination, or just poor leadership by the Q? We’ll never know.
We arrived back at Harroun Park just in time for a quick COT. Billy Bob was the 6. Apologies to Billy Bob for cutting the time so close, as He is an inspiring leader, with a great 6 story.
Thanks to everyone who came out this morning. Especially to the Toledo guys bringing it in from the Caddyshack.