The Commons (Levis Commons)

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Date(s) - 09/10/2019
6:00 pm - 6:45 pm

The Q:

Levis Commons - Clock Tower


boot camp, Perrysburg

Bootcamp style workout. Group will meet at the Clock Tower on Levis Commons Blvd. The Clock Tower is located in the traffic circle near Funny Bone Comedy Club. Also a great night for some fellowship. The PAX typically head out for some second F at one of the nearby establishments.

1 reply
  1. Thai Guy Jay Solarik
    Thai Guy Jay Solarik says:

    Theme: The Boombox Beatdown… take 3

    1. Whammy Joe Nugent
    2. Huckleberry Rick Thielen
    3. FNG Pablo “boomerang” Pacompea
    4. Tupac Myron Bowers
    5. Ponzi Brian Coil
    6. Chanel Bill Colon
    7. Q: Thai Guy Jay Solarik

    – Fitness Fellowship Faith

    – To plant, serve and grow men’s small workout groups, in order to reinvigorate male community leadership.

    5 core principles :
    1. It’s always free
    2. It’s open to all men
    3. It’s always held outdoors
    4. It is always led in a rotating fashion by the men of F3 – no professional training, you vs. you, modify as needed
    5. It always ends with a Circle of Trust

    CoT (Count-o-rama)= 7

    The Thang:
    Theme: boombox Beatdown… take 3

    Inspired by an online challenge

    Workouts in cadence to songs

    I let the PAX choose upper body, lower body, core or full body and we did a workout to a song based on the PAX choice

    1. Upper body Exercise: merkins / half burpee
    Song: Roxanne, The Police  (3:15)
    27 (Roxane) Merkin
    26 (red light) half burpee
    Start and hold plank, Every time we hear Roxanne, do a merkin. Every time we hear Put On The Red Light, we do a half burpee.

    Break 10 seconds

    2. Core Exercise: LBCs (little baby sit ups) and hold LBC.
    Song: I love the Way You Lie, Eminem and Rhianna  
    Every time Rhianna sings, freeze in a held LBC. Every time Eminem raps, do constantly-moving LBC’s. Lyrics like “Just gonna stand there and watch me burn” become very relevant.

    Break – 10 seconds

    3. Leg Exercise: Squats
    Song: Flower, Moby (3:30).
    Bring sally up 30 reps
    Every time the song says ‘bring Sally up’ you stand, and every time it says ‘bring Sally down’ you squat and hold until it says ‘bring Sally up’ again and so on.   

    Break – 10 seconds

    4. Full body Exercise: Burpees and side straddle hops
    Song: Thunderstruck, AC/DC  (4:54)
    33reps (#of times they say thunderstruck)
    Every time you hear ‘thunder’, drop down and do a full burpee. Anytime in between do side straddle hops.

    Break – 10 seconds

    5. Core. The song: ‘circle of life’ The Lion King
    Sat in a circle with feet up and ran Guantanamo throughout the entire song… one person runs around the circle pushing the PAX feet down then the next person goes and so on until the song ends.

    Break – 10 seconds

    6. Full body. The Song: ‘Best of You’ by Foo Fighters
    Start in plank
    Half burpee
    Full burpee
    Start from a full plank position. Every time we hear “best,” do a half burpees. And every time we hear the word “you,” we do a full burpee.

    – Tug of war challenge… split into two groups, winner chooses an exercise for the entire group
    – Chanel’s team won and chose 15 absolutions… Chanel led the cadence for the entire group

    COR = 7 guys
    NOR = 7 guys

    Six = Chanel

    FNG = Pablo “boomerang” Pacompea… lived in Australia for a few years so we gave him the name boomerang which was a weapon commonly used by indigenous Australians for hunting.

    COT (circle of trust)
    – Announcements = the frog, 9/11 step challenge,
    – Prayer intentions = 9/11 victims, troops and first responders, and for prayers kept silent.


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