Northview High School
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Date(s) - 10/21/2017
6:30 am - 7:30 am
The Q:
Mr. Belding and Hacksaw
Northview High School
Date(s) - 10/21/2017
6:30 am - 7:30 am
The Q:
Mr. Belding and Hacksaw
Northview High School
7 PAX, 0 FNGs.
J-Wow, El Chapo, Mr. Belding, Brockovich, Sipe, Bluto, Mercy
The PAX were joined by the Akron marching band and their myriad of idling buses and band mom vans. Initially, the parking lot was quiet, but we switched spots in the parking lot to a more secure locations after starting the beatdown. The 300 FNG’s proved hard to corral and they soon fled the AO with no participation in the beatdown. In the middle of it all, the PAX stood strong for Toledo, a precursor to what the Zips were going to meet on the field at the Glass Bowl. (Go Rockets!)
The thang:
It was called the 500, an aggressive pursuit of 500 reps in a limited amount of time. The PAX stood stronger than the 300 men of Sparta stood against the Persians. The Spartans did not have to face buses and mom vans.
The beatdown started with a warmup – Side straddle hops (which were somehow counted to 25) and Michael Phelps stretches to get the blood flowing.
The 500 simply put was 5 different exercises, 20 reps. This circuit was performed 5 times. Five times 20 is 100. 100 times 5 is 500.
The exercises:
(With dumbbells – a weight of one’s choosing)
1. Chest – chest presses on the 1st, 3rd and 5th round. Flyes on the 2nd and 4th – 20 reps each time.
2. Back – Rows – 20 reps each round
3. Legs – Front to back lunges – 6 on each leg. 1 front to back was 1 rep. 12 total.
Squats – 8 reps to bring the total of reps on the legs to 20
4 and 5 – Arms and Shoulders.
For purposes of time, arms and shoulders were super-setted. With the dumbbells, we did a bicep curl up, then went straight into a
shoulder press. This was done 20 times – 20 curls and 20 shoulder presses were the outcome.
The Finisher:
The remaining muscle groups were triceps and abs. The battle against the Zips marching band took some time out of the beatdown, but we still pushed forward and hit both triceps and abs.
Tricep finisher:
Overhead triceps presses with 1 dumbbell.
For 30 seconds, we busted out as many overhead presses as possible, fighting through the burn. At the end of thirty seconds we rested 15 seconds, then we did 30 more seconds of the finisher. 3 rounds total of 30 second work, 15 seconds rest.
25 flutter kicks – while holding a dumbbell in press position
25 mason twists – with a dumbbell
25 seconds of holding legs in the air. – dumbbell in press position
We ended in a circle of trust – Prayer intentions included Bluto’s father’s upcoming eye surgery.
Mercy brought Isaiah 43:1 to the PAX and shared that, ending in prayer.
Muscle fatigue and soreness soon set in.