Northview High School

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Date(s) - 12/23/2017
6:30 am - 7:30 am

The Q:
Mr. Belding and Hacksaw

Northview High School



1 reply
  1. Joel "Bluto" Whitcomb
    Joel "Bluto" Whitcomb says:

    19 Pax & 1 FNG posted for Bluto’s white elephant gift exchange. Each person was supposed to be bring a “gift” to lift & share. Some of the items that were brought include kettle bells, free weights, 45lb plates, bricks, bag of rock salt, a log and even a 22lb turkey! Those who attended the gift exchange include the following: Sideshow, Rose, Sipe, Mercy, Valdez, FNG(2-Ply), Scrooge, Balco, Cooter, Brockovich, Dirty, Mr. Belding, Ticket, Hustle, Kitty, Mailman, Wake, Hedgehog, El Chapo, & Bluto.

    We started with the 5 principles of F3 while we waited for those who were rucking to show up late(Belding, Scrooge & Mailman). Once everyone circled up Bluto laid down the plan. The idea was that we had to bring a gift to a party so we all picked up our “gift” and we jogged around Northview. down around the hill and then backup to the shovel flag. Once everyone was circled backup we proceeded to do 25 side straddle hops(in cadence). Each person then picked up their gift and we did the following exercises:
    Round 1
    20 bicep curls
    20 should presses
    20 chest presses(on your back)
    20 flutter kicks with weight extended over head(good for the abs)

    Round 2-hand weights to person to your right
    20 bicep curls
    20 should presses
    20 chest presses(on your back)
    20 flutter kicks with weight extended over head(good for the abs)

    Round 3-choose someone to exchange your original gift with
    20 bicep curls
    20 should presses
    20 chest presses(on your back)
    20 flutter kicks with weight extended over head(good for the abs)

    Round 4-choose a different person to spread holiday cheer to
    20 flutter kicks
    20 chest presses
    20 shoulder presses
    20 bicep curls

    Final round-pick a new person to trade with
    20 bicep curls
    20 should presses
    20 chest presses(on your back)
    20 flutter kicks with weight extended over head(good for the abs)

    The last half hour was dedicated to having some good old fashioned fun playing football. Bluto pulled an audible and moved the football game to the parking lot instead of the bottom of the hill so that we could actually see the field. Belding & Chapo were captains and everyone counted off 1 & 2. The snow was steadily falling at this point but it didn’t stop us from running around like crazy kids. After some confusion it was determined that Team 1 would remove their hats. This helped with identifying your team mates. Everytime a team scored a TD the other team had to do 10 merkins. Team 2 won 9-4 by Bluto’s calculation but that is up to debate. It was a fun time enjoyed by all and it made us all realize how badly our football skills had diminished. Maybe except for El Chapo. His 6’6 260lb frame was a matchup nightmare as he looked like Rob Gronkowski playing against a 6th grade team!

    After 30 minutes we circled back up and did counterama, namearama, named the FNG-Eric Morrissey is forever known as 2-ply. Bluto made the decision on the name after several vulgar alternatives were tossed out there. El Chapo thanked everyone for helping with the Christmas collection for the needy family from Timberstone. Prayer intentions were Mailman’s wife, Ticket’s friend’s health, Mercy’s step kids and a couple of others I am forgetting. Bluto closed with a prayer, wished everyone a Merry Christmas and thanked everyone for coming out.

    It was a fun time enjoyed by all and it was an honor to be the Q today!


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