Northview High School

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Date(s) - 07/14/2018
6:30 am - 7:30 am

The Q:
Mr. Belding and Hacksaw

Northview High School



1 reply
  1. Ticket
    Ticket says:

    Legion of Doom
    Mt. Doom

    Q: Ticket
    Pax: Wake, Sideshow, Billy Bob, Bullock, Doyt, Green Peace, Scrum, Brockovich, Coleco, Dollywood, Sparty (FNG EHd by Scrum), and Ticket

    Good vs Evil, who will prevail…

    On a clear, calm, and pleasant summer morning, 12 HIM gathered at the top of Mt Doom. With a large contingent of newly minted PAX having been posting for a few weeks or a few days and an FNG, YHC thoroughly explained the mission of F3, the 5 core principle, as well as the disclaimer. Next, YHC got the PAX warmed up with:

    – Michael Phelps OYO
    – Windmills – 10 In Cadence
    – Side Straddle Hops – 20 In Cadence
    – Warm-up lap around the tree off Silica Dr down to the tree by the Ten Mile Creek and back up to the top of Mt. Doom

    Upon our return from the warm-up lap, YHC gave the PAX a run down of what we would be doing during the beatdown. We lined up smallest to biggest and counted off by 2s to form 2 teams, the Justice League of America (JLA) and the Legion of Doom. 1s were JLA and 2s were the Legion of Doom. During designated parts of the beatdown, a member of the JLA would square off against their foe in the Legion of Doom.

    The members of the JLA were:

    • Ticket (YHC)
    • Wake
    • Sideshow
    • Brockovich
    • Sparty
    • Scrum

    The members of the Legion of Doom were:

    • Doyt
    • Dollywood
    • Bullock
    • Green Peace
    • Coleco
    • Billy Bob

    After breaking into teams, YHC reminded the PAX that while this beatdown was you against you, it was also team against team and you against your opponent

    The Thang:

    We started with an AMRAP Battle consisting of 5 stations located around the perimeter of the parking lot at the top of Mt. Doom. Each PAX was to do the exercise for that station to failure and then move to the next station using the movement listed at the station they were leaving. PAX were to keep track of their total reps from all 5 stations. PAX totals were added together to get the team total.

    Exercises and movements for the stations were as follows:
    Station 1: Skull Crushers, Side Shuffle to next station
    Station 2: Dumbbell Shoulder Press, Frog Hop to next station
    Station 3: Ruck or Sandbag Squats, Crab Walk to next station
    Station 4: Dumbell or Cinder Block Bench Press, Crawl Bear to next station
    Station 5: Dumbbell Curls, Lunge Walk to next station

    One member of the JLA and one from the Legion of Doom went to each station, with station 1 getting 2 members from each team.

    In the end, the Legion of Doom narrowly defeated the JLA with 919 reps to 904.

    YHC considered a second round of the AMRAP Battle. But after seeing the PAX was sufficiently smoked, we moved to the bottom of the hill, where YHC had setup a few cones. One was 50 yards out, and one was 10 yards further. YHC explained that we were going to do Charles Bronsons. Murmurs of how terrible the name sounded could be heard in the mumblechatter.

    Charles Bronson was a relay race of 5 rounds between the JLA and Legion of Doom. In each round, each PAX completed an exercise for the specified number of reps, then sprinted 50 yards, and then a 10 yard bear crawl. Upon completing the bear crawl, the PAX moseyed back to the start for the next round. One PAX per team ran at a time. All other PAX did exercises while waiting to run. PAX were told to Al Gore or plank while waiting for their turn to run after completing the exercise. Exercises were as follows:

    Round 1: 20 SSH
    Round 2: 20 Merkins
    Round 3: 10 – Burpees
    Round 4: 20 – LBCs
    Round 5: 20 – Squats

    PAX were cheering each other on throughout. In the end the JLA prevailed in this one. YHC had planned for 3 rounds of Charles Bronson. But due to the time and the smokefest the PAX had already endured, YHC decided one was enough.

    After a brief recovery, the PAX was told to circle up for some Guantanomo. Being that most of the PAX were new, they had yet to experience the fun of Guantanomo. Much moaning was heard during the 2 rounds.

    Next, we stayed in our circle and planked up for 2 rounds of plank-o-rama. First round, we held plank while each PAX repeated one at a time the number the Q called out, with the Q starting at 1 and going to 2, and then 3 on the third time around the circle. In the second round, the PAX held plank while counting to 100 around the circle. There was a little confusion at 69, as the PAX waited several moments for the next PAX to yell out 70.

    As the beatdown was winding down, YHC had one last bit of fun in store for the PAX. Many PAX spotted a large rope when running the warm-up lap. YHC announced it was time for a Tug of War, JLA vs The Legion of Doom. The winner had to move the center line 5 yards. In the first battle, the JLA started off with an early lead. But, the Legion of Doom, with Billy Bob as their anchor, turned the tide and pulled the rope back to victory. To the chagrin of some, YHC announced this was a best of 3 match-up. The second battle was much shorter than the first. The JLA had very little fight left in them. After giving up the first 2-3 yards with some fight, their will had been broken, their strength sapped, and the Legion of Doom easily pulled the rope the remaining 2 yards.

    YHC had a few more things planned, but had to save them for another day. We were out of time and all PAX were smoked. We collected the equipment and went to the top of Mt Doom for the COT.

    In the COT, we did our count-o-rama and name-o-rama. Wake was the 6 and explained to our new guys the history of “Know the 6”, in addition to some info about himself and what F3 means to him. We named our FNG, Dave Russell, a Michigan State alum, and the original man in the Sparty suit. While YHC was leaning toward naming him Wolverine, we settled on Sparty. We ended in a Ball of Man, where prayers were offered for Scrum’s father-in-law, Riley, and the first responders, and for us to go home to be better men, fathers, husbands, and friends.

    It was an honor to lead this fine group of men and to share the gift of F3 with the new PAX.


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