Northview High School
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Date(s) - 07/21/2018
6:30 am - 7:30 am
The Q:
Mr. Belding and Hacksaw
Northview High School
Date(s) - 07/21/2018
6:30 am - 7:30 am
The Q:
Mr. Belding and Hacksaw
Northview High School
Da Q: Hustle
Da pax: Gadget, Bluto, Splinter, Brute, Mickey, Jake the Snake, Mercy, Brockovich, Pixar, Doyt, Bullock, Billy Bob, Ticket, Hustle
We circled up for the warm-up, to explain each ‘F’ of F3 and the core principles:
Fitness: high plank
Fellowship: left arm up, holding a high right sided plank
Faith: high plank
1. It is always free (right arm up in a high left sided plank)
2. It is always held out doors (high plank)
3. It is open to all med (left arm up, holding a high right sided plank)
4. It is always led in rotating fashion by a member of the pax (high plank)
5. It always ends in a COT (right arm up in a high left sided plank)
Da thang:
The pax was told to bring a cinder block, which most did, with some using dumbbells or a rucksack. This was an ‘on your own’ beatdown.
Starting at the top of Mt. Doom:
50 toe-taps on the curb.
Going down the hill, each did 10 Peter Parker/Spiderman merkins, with each rep moving down the hill; then run down to the bottom of the hill where our cinder blocks were waiting.
20 squats while holding the cinder, or other weight, then 20 lunges across the width of the lined practice field, then ran to the other side near the creek.
20 imperial walkers.
10 Merkins, then run back to the cinder blocks.
20 overhead presses using the blocks and run to the middle of the hill where cones were placed.
2 ‘plank arounds’ (i.e. facing uphill, and keeping the feet in one spot, we circled our way going clockwise in high plank position, then reversed counter clockwise)
Run to the top of the hill, and repeato x 4.
I had to think quickly on my feet as I had not had anything else planned. So, we all lined up at the endzone line of the field with our trusty cinder blocks. We had to carry it to each marked line, perform a Merkin on the cinder, then hop over the block, pick it up and proceed to the next line, etc. until we reached the other endzone. Total of 90 yards.
We circled up (again) but not for the COT. In cadence, we used the cinders to do 2 American Hammers, drop it, then perform a V-up roll-up, doing 10 total.
Finished up by doing static-hold flutter kicks. We staggered the flutter kick position. I counted out ‘1’ by doing a flutter kick, then held the position. Each guy did this and all the way around back to me, then ‘2’ flutter kicks and hold. We made it around for a total of 4.
The 6 was Jake the Snake, EH’d by Gadget, and name given to him due to having pet snakes (befitting!). He expressed how much he likes running (ha!) and the camaraderie he enjoys with each beatdown he attends. Aye!
Prayer intentions included: Bluto and his pregnant wife; Emma, an 11 year-old battling kidney failure; for moms and wives; for the Missouri family who died in the duck-boat accident; for first-responders; for the troops (always).
Thanks for the opportunity to lead. I say it always and always will, but I am humbled and privileged to lead each and every beatdown, and am grateful for the guys who show up and show out!