Northview High School (Faith Hill)
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Date(s) - 05/21/2018
5:30 am - 6:15 am
The Q:
Brute and Splinter
Northview High School
Date(s) - 05/21/2018
5:30 am - 6:15 am
The Q:
Brute and Splinter
Northview High School
Faith Hill (Northview)
“The 100’s Gauntlet”
Q – Hedgehog
PAX – (14) Cogsworth, Bluto, Mole, Mr. Belding, Ticket, Klinger, Scrooge, Jeter, Mayor, Elena, Pixar, Commodus, Craig “Motor Boat” Koperski
F3 Principals – Welcome our FNG (Motor Boat), Mosey around the school while pointing out our beatdown exercise locations and recite our F3 core principals. Bluto musta hit his snooze button one too many times. He was given a detention for being late!
The Thang – “The 100’s Gauntlet”
4 exercise locations – complete 10 reps at location #1, 20 reps at #2, 30 reps at #3 and 40 reps at #4 (100 total reps of merkins, LBC’s and squats)
Move to the grassy area behind the tennis courts. Partner up for alligator crawl suicides.
3 spotting lights were set up at 10 yards, 20 yards and 30 yards. While one PAX alligator crawls to first light on sliders and runs back, the other PAX holds in squat position. Switch and repeato till each PAX alligator crawls to each light twice or until their shoulders fall off.
Mosey back to COT.
Countorama, Nameorama, know your six (Klinger), FNG to center of COT (welcome Craig “Motor Boat” Koperski) EH’ld by Hedgehog and Elena (took 2 of us months to get him here!), Prayer intentions
Almost missed the Bluto Birthday tribute…To celebrate Bluto’s 35 glorious years, the PAX did 35 Merkins in cadence before the COT. Happy Birthday Bluto!