Northview High School (Faith Hill)
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Date(s) - 06/18/2018
5:30 am - 6:15 am
The Q:
Brute and Splinter
Northview High School
Date(s) - 06/18/2018
5:30 am - 6:15 am
The Q:
Brute and Splinter
Northview High School
Backblast for today’s work out at Mt. Doom (Northview High School) 6/18/2018
Q = John Henry
Attendance= Mole, Darko, Jetter, Mayor, Kitty, Brute, Ollie, Springs, Hedgehog, Sideshow
Started with brief stretching then ran once around the High School, rallying at the bottom of The Hill and partnering up.
First Exercise: One partner does Merkins while the other partner bear crawls up the hill and runs back down swapping bear crawls for Merkins. Each partner went up the hill three times.
Second Exercise: Same style as first exercise only with squats at the bottom and sprinting up The Hill. Each partner gets 3 times up the hill again.
Third Exercise: Same style as first with flutter kicks at the bottom while other partner runs backwards up the hill. Each partner get 3 times up the hill.
Fourth Exercise: Merkin Pyramid with Partner. One partner started with one, then other partner matched. Then 2, 3 and so on up to 10 and back down. Total of 100 pushups completed.
Last Exercise was full sprint up The Hill.
Count o Rama
Name O Rama
COT – Prayers for Kitty’s Grandpa and M. Prayers for Dads and for families dealing with internal struggles. May GOD physically heal those in need and also hearts and minds.