Pride Rock (Pacesetter Park)

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Date(s) - 08/24/2022
7:00 pm - 7:45 pm

The Q:

Sylvania Pacesetter Park


boot camp, Sylvania

Bootcamp Style Workouts.  Lots of lands and lots of possibilities. Meet near field #4 by the gazebo.


1 reply
  1. Pinewood
    Pinewood says:

    Weather: Sunny, 83F, beautiful evening!

    PAX: Goose, Simmons, Shooter, Downpour, Speedo, Gadget (6), Jake the Snake, Pinewood (Q)

    Circled up at 1900 for 5CPs, Credo and Mission. As always challenged each to embrace the mission and get involved. Warmed up with arm and leg stretches. 15 SSH and 15 Klinger Kicks followed by a mosey to the trees and back.

    Had 4 lines of cones spread roughly 15 yds apart for this beatdown.

    Field Fun:
    Sprint to the first cone, do 5 Merkins, sprint back to the start and do mtn climbers until all PAX are back.
    Sprint to the 2nd cone, do 10 merkins, sprint back and do mtn climbers while waiting.
    Repeat to the 3rd cone and do 15 merkins.

    Circled up for some Circle of Pain:
    25x Wide Merkins, 25, Diamond Merkins, 30 count high plank then 10 count low planks (repeat the high/ low planks 3 times) PAX did mtn. climbers after each exercise while the rest of the pax finished.

    Field Fun:
    Just like before except 10, 15 and 20 reps of Squats this time.

    Circle of Pain:
    25x Bonnie Blairs, 15x Lt. Dans, 10x Jump Squats

    Field Fun:
    Bear Crawls from cone 1 to 2 perform 15x BBSU
    Bear Crawl to cone 3, 20x BBSU
    Bear Crawl to cone 4, 25x BBSU
    Bear Crawl all the way back

    50x LBC, cadence high, mid, low leg raises – 25x Side Crunches ea. side, 25x Pulse ups

    Ended with sprints far cone, mosey backwards to cone 2, sprint, etc.

    Circled up around 1940 for the CoR and NoR. Gadget with the 6 then closed with announcements and prayer.

    Always an honor – Pinewood out.


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