Pride Rock (Pacesetter Park)

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Date(s) - 09/07/2022
7:00 pm - 7:45 pm

The Q:

Sylvania Pacesetter Park


boot camp, Sylvania

Bootcamp Style Workouts.  Lots of lands and lots of possibilities. Meet near field #4 by the gazebo.


1 reply
  1. Trojan
    Trojan says:

    Tag Me In

    Pax (13-Tay-tay!): Simmons, Sipe, Goose, Pinewood, Mickey, Shooter, Speedo, Bagels, Belding, Gadget, Brita, Brita’s 2.0, Trojan (Q)

    Warmup: 15 SSHs and 10 windmills (in cadence)

    Thang: Pax moseyed on over to the east pavilion and started with 11’s. One end line was atomic merkins and the other was Lt. Dans. After this challenge was completed, Pax returned to the end line for the tag team activity. This began with partnering up and having one partner (P1) remain on the end line while the other (P2) started about 20 yds out. P2 began doing merkins while P1 bear crawled to his location. Once P1 reached the location, he tagged P2 who began to bear crawl another 20 yds while P1 completed merkins. When P2 reached the second location, he called back to P1. P1 bear crawled to join him while P2 did merkins. P1 then tagged P2. Repeato for 4 locations, stop at the far end and plank for the 6. Repeato this general sequence with the following combinations:
    -Squats at location, walking lunge between locations
    -Inchworms at location, crawl bear between locations

    Final Tag event was both partners simultaneously walking lunge to each location, stopping at each one to do 10 partner merkins.

    After this ended, Pax remained on the end line for ab work. Each HIM took a turn calling out and leading an exercise in cadence (15 reps of each)
    -Heels to Heaven (Trojan)
    -American Hammers (Goose)
    -Crunchy Frog (Speedo)
    -Arms Out Leg Lifts (Pinewood)
    -LBCs (Bagels)
    -Imperial Walkers (Mr. Belding)

    CoT: Mickey was our 6 and spoke about the importance of consistency and regimen, F3 being an integral part of that for him. Great to hear such words of wisdom and encouragement from a Redwood Original like Mick. Prayers for Gadget and his family as they work through challenges with his mother’s health and for Pinewood’s cousin with family challenges. Always an honor to lead!


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