Rolf Park (Field of Dreams)
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Date(s) - 09/19/2018
5:30 am - 6:15 am
The Q:
Rolf Park
Date(s) - 09/19/2018
5:30 am - 6:15 am
The Q:
Rolf Park
Rolf Park (Field of Dreams)
Q – Hedgehog
PAX (16) – Mile High, Gepetto, Bubba, Thumper, Bourbon, Jennay, Forrest, Splinter, Dauber, Brita, Klinger, Woodstock, Tupac, Dutch, Landslide, Hedgehog
F3 core principals, No FNG’s
Mosey around the park
Divide into four teams of 3 and one team of 4
Music brought to you by my favorite 80’s rock bands
The Thang: “Crawl To Get Strong”
5 cones set up approximately 20 yards apart
#1 – Kettlebell deadlifts x 12
bear crawl to next station
#2 – Seated band rows x 20
bear crawl to next station
#3 – Goblet squats x 12
bear crawl to next station
#4 – Band overhead presses x 20
bear crawl to next station
#5 – Band curls x 20
sprint back to station #1
Repeato till 0600
Each team had 60-80 lbs of weght
each team member did a farmer carry to the first cone and back while the other PAX held plank
Repeato until each PAX farmer walked to each cone
COT – countorama, nameorama, know your 6 (Jennay), announcements, prayer intentions
Nugget: Bourbon discovered that Thumper may be a long lost child of mine based on our identical distinguishing mustaches
(aka porn staches)
09/19/2018 – Pre-Beatdown Ruck at the Field of Dreams:
Date: 9/19/2018
Time: 4:30 – 5:15 AM
Location: Field of Dreams – Rolf Park
Q: Bourbon
PAX: 2 total: Thumper and Bourbon (Q)
F3 Mission: Fitness, Fellowship, Faith; To plant, serve and grow men’s small workout groups, in order to reinvigorate male community leadership
Principles of F3:
• It must be free of charge
• It must be open to all men
• It must be held outdoor, rain or shine, hot or cold
• It must be peer led in a rotating fashion by men who participate in the workout, with no training or certification necessary
• It must end with a Circle of Trust (COT)
The Thang:
We took off on a 3.10 mile ruck around the Field of Dreams outside perimeter. Lots of great discussion was had as well as planning and strategy for the upcoming Star Course. A true 2nd F workout was had and enjoyed.
Count-O-Rama and Name-O-Rama
Learn about the 6: postponed to after the beatdown
COT / Prayers and Intentions: Thankful for the men of F3 and our abilities to be able to gather and workout like we do.