Scott High School (The Dawg House)
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Date(s) - 05/30/2019
5:30 am - 6:15 am
The Q:
Scott High School
Bootcamp Style Workout. Park in the parking lot behind the school.
Backblast – May 30, 2019
AO: The Dawg House
QIC: Geppetto
PAX: Modell, Rocco, Geppetto
Workout: UNO
No FNG’s so right into Mission and Principles
F3 – Fitness, Fellowship, Faith
Mission – Plant, grow and serve small workout groups for men for the invigoration of male community leadership.
The core principles of F3 are that it must:
• Be free of charge
• Be open to all men
• Be held outdoors, rain or shine, heat or cold
• Be led by men who participate in the workout in a rotating fashion, with no training or certification necessary. You versus you. Modify or stop an exercise if you need to. The most important thing is that nobody gets hurt.
• End with a Circle of Trust
The “Thang”:
Warm up:
(20) 4 ct SSH in cadence
(20) 4 ct Mountain Climbers in cadence
In a rotating fashion, each PAX selects an UNO card at random and everyone completes the exercise and reps on their own. Exercises and reps were as follows based on color and number and special cards:
Red = Merkins, Yellow = Squats, Blue = Big Boy Sit Ups, Green = Plank Jacks (two count) with or w/o shoulder taps
One, Two and Three = 5, 10 or 15 reps, Four, Five and Six = 8, 10 or 12 reps, Seven, Eight and Nine = 14, 16 or 18 reps, Zero = 20 reps
Special cards:
Skip card = Lap around track, Reverse card = Run backwards across and back football field, Draw Two card = Draw next card and multiple reps by two, Wild card = PAX Choice, any exercise, 20 reps, Wild Draw Four card = 10 Burpees
Totals from workout were:
(48) Squats
(59) Merkins
(95) Big Boy Sit Ups
(20) Tuck Jump Burpees courtesy of Modell
(20) Standard Burpees
(4) Laps around football field
(2) Backpedal across field and back
Ended with:
Count-O-Rama – Three
Announcements: None
Ball of Man – Prayers of thanks for the ability to rise each morning and exercise. Prayers for Moana’s family. Prayers to be better husbands, fathers, brothers, coworkers and friends. Give us the strength to lean on each of our F3 brothers in times of need.
Spreadsheets from the Gloom: Near 60 degrees, no wind, muggy. Rain held off just long enough to finish the workout. Modell dropped 20 tuck jump burpees on us when he drew the first wild card. He also drew the other wild which earned us 20 John Travolta’s. Always fun to lead at The Dawg House. Was great to get out on the football field!