Southview High School (Fuse)
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Date(s) - 11/18/2017
6:30 am - 7:30 am
The Q:
Pixar and Ozzie
Southview High School
Date(s) - 11/18/2017
6:30 am - 7:30 am
The Q:
Pixar and Ozzie
Southview High School
DATE: 11/18/2017
COUNT: 20 brave PAX posted in the rainy gloom this morning
QIC: Mater
PAX POSTING: Kitty, Trinity, Micky, Rose, Ollie, Mary Lou, Fatone (FNG), Brita, Poodle, Klinger, Splinter, Trapeze, Bagels, Pixar, Ozzie, Nails, Sideshow, Mayor, Worm, Mater
Warmups with starching during the principles then 15 SSH’s
The Thang:
Split into 4 teams then mosey to the track for a modified Indian run. Lap 1 – start with a 50 meter bear crawl then Indian run one lap. Lap 2 – crab walk 50 meters then Indian run one lap. Lap 3 – frog hop 50 meters then Indian run one lap. Lap 4 – Spiderman walk 50 meters then Indian run to the finish for 1 mile total. Mosey to the rear practice field.
Dropped BOMBS on the PAX. The BOMBS are Burpees, One arm plank jax, Merkins, Big boy sit ups, Squats. Cones set up at 10 yard intervals for 50 yards. Lt. Dan (lunge-lunge-squat) to each cone then do the bombs. The yard line you are on indicates the number of reps (i.e. 10 yard line, 10 burpees, 20 yard line, 20 one arm plank jax, etc…). When you get to the 50 and do 50 squats, go back and start with 50 burpees, 40 one arm plank jax, etc… Not going to lie, there was a large amount of suck on the 50 burpees.
Mosey to the flag. Do suicides but crab walk back from the far cone instead of run. Do one suicide then 20 shoulder presses, suicide then 20 Rosalita Wips, suicide then 20 heal touches, suicide then 20 leg lifts then suicide and 20 plank jax jump tucks.
COT. We had one FNG. Welcome Ron Degregorio, now known as Fatone from Nsync. Prayers for Kitty’s brother-in-law Sean, Brita’s dad, the troops and for patience.
Thanks everyone for allowing me to redeem myself. It was an honor to lead this great group of men today.