Southview High School (Fuse)

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Date(s) - 12/09/2017
6:30 am - 7:30 am

The Q:
Pixar and Ozzie

Southview High School



1 reply
  1. Anonymous
    Anonymous says:

    QIC: Hustle

    19 pax posting in the snowy gloom: Ozzie, Rose, Worm, Mary Lou, Mayor, Colonel, Trinity, Bagels, Scrooge, Cogsworth, Mailman, Nails, Splinter, Froman, Mater, Edison, Pixar, Mickey, Hustle

    Da thang: warm-up with 20 SSH in cadence (IN CADENCE!!) followed by 10 burpees with a jump over a parking spot line in the parking lot. Pax moseyed to the track and split into 2 groups, one at either end of track by the goalposts. 2 medicine balls (15 lbs and 25 lbs) were employed. In an Indian-run type thing, each would throw the medicine ball from the ground left to right, with the second guy running up to where the medicine ball landed, and perform the same throw. Once the group reached the other side of the track, the medicine ball was dropped and all ran back to the starting position, and proceeded to perform the same exercise with the other medicine ball. This was repeated x 3, but the ball being thrown right to left, then in front, and finally thrown overhead backwards.

    The pax then lined up with an attempt to do a bucket brigade/Indian run around the track with the medicine ball, but this failed miserably. We then got into out original groups and before you knew it, there was a mad dash around the track throwing the medicine balls to someone on your team. Once everyone finished, the pax circled up in Merkin plank position. Each medicine ball was used again, and each had to perform a Merkin with 1 hand on the ball, roll it to the other arm, do a Merkin, then roll the ball over the guy next to him. This was done 2 times around the circle with both medicine balls being used.

    Ended with an backwards overhead throw, medicine ball ‘competition’ between the 2 groups. Whichever ball landed shortest, that person’s team had to do 5 burpees. Spotting the mark was made easier with some snow accumulation on the track.

    Ended with the COT with prayer intentions including: Froman’s father and his upcoming surgery; Mailman’s friend’s dad passing away; Mickey’s parents’ friend; anyone traveling for the holidays and those new to driving and their safety; for the troops and families of the troops; and for kids with cancer and the gift collection being done.

    Thanks again for the privilege of leading you today! I never take it for granted!

    (and did I mention that medicine balls were used in the workout today??)


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