Southview High School (Fuse)
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Date(s) - 01/13/2018
6:30 am - 7:30 am
The Q:
Pixar and Ozzie
Southview High School
Date(s) - 01/13/2018
6:30 am - 7:30 am
The Q:
Pixar and Ozzie
Southview High School
The gloom started with a strong wind but ended with stronger men.
The PAX:
Mater, Sipe, Trinity, Rose, Cogsworth, Goose, Mary Lou, Mailman, Scrooge, Ozzie, Gadget, and the Q Ladybug.
The Thang:
Half the PAX went through 4 stations of exercises (Group A) while the other half ran a Indian run (Group B). The PAX brought their dumbbells with them to each station for an added challenge. The PAX switched workouts once the Group A finished their stations.
At the end of each Indian run lap the PAX did the following exercises:
1. (10) SSH
2. (10) Merkins
3. (10) Pickle Pumpers
4. (10) Squat Jumps
(4) Stations (15 reps of each exercise with dumbbells):
1. Arnold Press, Bicep curls, Lunges, Close grip push ups, Bent Over Row
2. Front Raise, Hammer Curls, Calf Raises, SSH, Dead Lift
3. Military Press, Zottoman Curls, Sumo Squats, Triceps Extension, Wide Bent Over Row
4. Side Raise, Close Grip Curls, Bridges, Wide Arm Pushup, Bent Over Fly
The PAX finished with B.O.M.B.S.. Each member found a partner; one partner ran while the other completed as many of the following exercises. When the other partner returned from running they picked up were the first member finished until all exercises were completed.
(50) Burpees
(100) Over Head Claps
(100) Merkins
(100) LBCs
(100) Squats
The workout ended in a COT.
Pre Beat Down Ruck
Pax: Klinger, Splinter, Trinity, Mailman, Mater, Danica, Ozzie, Scrooge
Q: Mary Lou
Stepped off at 5:15 heading north towards Brint Rd through the neighborhood across from the Fuse. Headed east on Brint to McCord. The police saw a group of 9 crazy guys battling the ice and negative wind chill and decided to “follow” us as we headed south on McCord. They were not brave enough to stop and get out to ask us what the heck we’re doing! Headed west on Sylvania Ave. to head back to the fuse. Completed 3.98 miles in just under an hour.
Ended with COT and heard from Mater as the six. Thanks for letting me lead this morning men
Kevin “Mary Lou” Kudro