Southview High School (Fuse)
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Date(s) - 01/20/2018
6:30 am - 7:30 am
The Q:
Pixar and Ozzie
Southview High School
Date(s) - 01/20/2018
6:30 am - 7:30 am
The Q:
Pixar and Ozzie
Southview High School
1/20/18 The Full Metal Fuse Backlist
PAX – Kitty, Ollie, The Mayor, Scrooge, Mary Lou, Android, Worm, Rihanna, Trinity, Trapeze, The Colonel, Froman (Respect), Cogsworth, Brute, The Mickey, Poodle, Ozzie, Pixar, Brita
QIC – Klinger
20 hardened PAX hit the Fuse this morning for a Full Metal beatdown! There was a bit of a westerly wind, but the temps were relatively mild compared to the rest of January. YHC started things off with a brief introduction and the 5 core principles of F3 – Free, Men, Outside, Peer Led, COT!! With that completed, we moseyed to parking lot on the West side of the campus.
Warm Up:
As more PAX are starting to use cadences during their Q’s, YHC thought it might be a good opportunity to go over some of the basics about cadence calling. The theory behind cadences was briefly discussed, as well as the proper commands to give out to the PAX. YHC could see The Colonel shivering, so decided to begin the warm up. In between exercises, some pointers/tips about common mistakes made when calling cadence were discussed. The following exercises were performed in cadence:
-Side Straddle Hop (20)
-Windmill (15)
-Cross Country Skier (20)
-Ski Jumper (15)
-Flutter Kicks (20)
The Thang-
Next, we moseyed back to the main parking lot. 5 cones were set up, each spaced 25 yards apart. As Jody Calls were blasted through the air, YHC prepared the PAX to conquer The Beast! 6 stations, 6 repetitions at each station, 6 rotations through:
Starting at the cone 1, run to cone 2 and do 6 reps, run to cone 3 and do 6 reps, run to cone 4 and do 6 reps, run to cone 5, then turn around and head back to cone 4 for 6 more reps, run to cone 3 and do 6 reps, run to cone 2 and do 6 reps, and finally run to cone 1 and plank for the 6. The following exercises were performed:
Rotation 1 – Burpees (36 total)
Rotation 2 – Sit Ups (36 total)
Rotation 3 – Lunges (36 total, 18 per leg)
Rotation 4 – Merkins (36 total)
Rotation 5 – V Ups (36 total)
Rotation 6 – Jump Squats (36 total)
The Beast was conquered by all and we moseyed around the parking lot to give our jacked up muscles some recovery time.
10 Minutes of Mary:
We circled up in the parking lot and started some serious core work:
Bicycle Crunch – 15 reps (2 is 1)
Elbow Plank – 45 sec
Leg Lifts – 10 reps
American Hammer – 20 (2 is 1)
Mountain Climber – 15 (2 is 1)
Side Plank – 45 sec
Windshield Wipers – 10 reps
Side Plank – 45 sec
Hello Dolly – 15 reps
Flutter Kick – 20 reps in cadence
COT: Countorama, Nameorama, Know the 6 (Android), and BOM with prayer led by YHC
-YHC had a blast with the PAX this morning. Was my first Q at the Fuse – thanks to Ozzie for giving me the opportunity. Honored to be a part of this great group of HIM
-Anybody ever see what happened to the car that pulled in to the parking lot when we were doing cadences? Guess we didn’t scare them to much since no police showed up
-Seemed that everyone enjoyed the Jody Calls and music played during the beatdown. Pretty sure The Colonel and Ozzie thought I was taking off when I ran to the van to turn the speaker on!
-With todays double post, Ozzie officially passed Splinter as the all time post leader. Way to take advantage of a week when he’s on vacation, Ozzie. Big announcement coming from Ticket later today.
-Until we meet in the gloom again, Aye!
Pre ruck Fuse
Q – Mickey
PAX- Klinger , Brita , Colonel , Danica , Mary Lou, Ozzie, Trinity , Pixar , Stamper , trapeze, and Mickey
The Thang
5 core principals
We stepped off from Southview Highschool and tucked back to University Trail . We moved at a decent pace and rucked while YBIC did Rocky trivia questions for the PAX. If the Pax got them wrong we did 10 Merkins . The Pax missed 11 questions but got most of them right due to Ozzie’s profound knowledge of the series. YBIC was impressed but also recommended that everyone attend Pixar s Rocky F3 marathon day !
Prayers for friends Troops and family .
Finished with Rocky’s inspirational speech in Rocky Balboa .