Southview High School (Fuse)
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Date(s) - 02/03/2018
6:30 am - 7:30 am
The Q:
Pixar and Ozzie
Southview High School
Date(s) - 02/03/2018
6:30 am - 7:30 am
The Q:
Pixar and Ozzie
Southview High School
Pre Beat Down Ruck
Pax: Colonel, H2, Danica, Bourbon, Buttermaker, El Chapo, Wake, Hedgehog, Stamper, Nails, Splinter, Mater, Mary Lou, Bluto, Sunshine, Trinity
Q: Trinity
We did a quick review of the 5 core principles of F3. Pax agreed to follow YHC through Olander Park after warning that it was still closed and we may be trespassing (though YHC failed to mentioned we’d be scaling a few fences which may have been met with more resistance than potential traspassing fines). We started out heading east on Sylvania Rd to the southern entrance to Olander. All Pax successfully scaled the fence unscathed, though it was clear many of us haven’t hopped a fence since grade school. We followed the east side of the train around the pond to the northern entrance and scaled two more fences. Stamper stood guard and managed to keep all but Nails from hopping into the water in the drainage ditch. We continued north to Brint Rd, took that west to King and followed that the rest of the way in. We covered just under 4 miles in a little under and hour.
CoT: El Chapo was our 6 and shared how F3 has pushed him to share more than might normally in a personal setting.
YHC brought us home with BoM which was brief, though uninspiring. The lack of insight will be blamed on the cold temperature and the cold medicine YHC took before posting this am.
Moleskin: Always appreciate the opportunity to lead especially as this morning was my first time Qing a ruck. Admittedly, I was nervous as the Pax scaled the first fence as that could have ended badly had anyone had a fall. I’ll make sure to keep us on an unobstructed route in the future.
Nails proved his physical and mental toughness by completing the ruck and the subsequent RAK Q’d by Brita with a wet shoe. YHC’s feet were cold all morning so I can’t imagine adding wet socks to the equation with windchill temperatures in the single digits.
PAX = 26
FNG = 1 — Welcome Brian Geha, now known as “Coal”
Total = 27
PAX = Trinity, Nails, Klinger, Kitty, Bourbon, Dos Equis, Spaulding, Hedgehog, Bagels, Forman, Ozzie, Landslide, Pixar, Lavar, Colonel, Mater, Mary Lou, Buttermaker, Brute, Danica, Splinter, Dollywood, Poodle, H2, Spider Monkey.
Q = Brita
Welcomed the most important member of the F3 Pax today to the center, our FNG, explain the F3 5 core principles and to give him an understanding of our mission and purpose. Pax circled up around YHC and proceeded to do 5 workouts in cadence: SSH IC = 20, windmills IC = 17, The Merkin IC = 10 (YHC implemented that full range of motion is most important in F3, grab some humility and get on your knees if you can’t obtain a 90 degree angle; if you can’t do 10 Burpees properly then do 5—don’t cheat yourself) the squat IC = 17, the flutter (Klinger) kick IC = 20.
Mosey to the tennis courts (5 courts in total) line up on far sideline. YHC explained the pain the Pax were about to embrace in order to punch their ticket as the “Greatest Ever” (at least for that hour)…
Suicide to 1st court, then 10 Burpees
Suicide to 2nd court, then do 20 sumo squats
Suicide to 3rd court, then do 30 merkins
Suicide to 4th court, then do 40 mountain climbers (2 is 1)
Suicide to 5th court, then do 50 American hammers (2 is 1)
Plank for the 6
Recover Mosey 1/4 mile around parking lot, rendezvous back at the tennis court side line
Bear crawl to 1st court, then 10 Burpees
Bear crawl to 2nd court, then do 20 sumo squats
Bear crawl to 3rd court, then do 30 merkins
Bear crawl to 4th court, then do 40 mountain climbers (2 is 1)
Suicide to 5th court, then do 50 American hammers (2 is 1)
Recover Mosey 1/4 mile around parking lot, rendezvous back at the tennis court side line
Frog jump to 1st court, then 10 Burpees
Frog jump to 2nd court, then do 20 sumo squats
Frog jump to 3rd court, then do 30 merkins
Frog jump to 4th court, then do 40 mountain climbers (2 is 1)
Frog jump to 5th court, then do 50 American hammers (2 is 1)
Recover Mosey 1/4 mile around parking lot, rendezvous back at shovel flag, circle up. F3 traditions were implemented in honor of the FNG. 27 men on their six, Guantanamo commenced.
COR, NOR, and “Know the 6”
Dos Equis shared being headlocked by iron man “Stark”; his military and family obligation has caused a pause in his F3 mission, Hedgehog immediately stated “Thank You” which was echoed by the Pax for Dos Equis’s sacrifice as a member of the United States military. He proceeded to share his decorated life and amazing accomplishments. RESPECT. Grateful to have your leadership.
COT: Spaulding and his 36 week beautifully pregnant wife and unborn child, patience, H2 and the tragedy he shared, Kitty and his family, our troops who give the ultimate sacrifice for our freedom, and those intentions that we hold in our hearts.
It was an honor to lead and be a part of such a fine group of men on this first Saturday in February. As I look at the man I was just a short 9 months ago to the man F3 has demanded I become, I am humbled, grateful, and deeply honored to be a member of F3.
Ozzie thank you for this opportunity.