Southview High School (Fuse)
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Date(s) - 03/10/2018
6:30 am - 7:30 am
The Q:
Pixar and Ozzie
Southview High School
Date(s) - 03/10/2018
6:30 am - 7:30 am
The Q:
Pixar and Ozzie
Southview High School
The Thang:
12 men braved the early morning chill for some good livin’. We went 3.6 miles. The Pax started at Southview and headed to the University Trail. We rucked to McCord Road and headed north. We turned west and went through the Planet Fitness parking lot waving to those working out inside. We wanted to show the people inside what they are missing by not joining us in the gloom. We continued west and went around the Olander loop. Mumble chatter started about the upcoming Growruck and if we would get wet. After Olander we finished back at Southview. Splinter was the “6” and told of his beginnings with F3 and how he is grateful to have lasting friendships among the PAX. COT consisted of prayers for Splinters Father in law with back issues, for Gap’s recovery, and patience. It was a great start to the weekend! Aye!
Mile 1: 16:30
Mile 2: 16:37
Mile 3: 16:22
The Thang:
12 men braved the early morning chill for some good livin’. We went 3.6 miles. The Pax started at Southview and headed to the University Trail. We rucked to McCord Road and headed north. We turned west and went through the Planet Fitness parking lot waving to those working out inside. We wanted to show the people inside what they are missing by not joining us in the gloom. We continued west and went around the Olander loop. Mumble chatter started about the upcoming Growruck and if we would get wet. After Olander we finished back at Southview. Splinter was the “6” and told of his beginnings with F3 and how he is grateful to have lasting friendships among the PAX. COT consisted of prayers for Splinters Father in law with back issues, for Gap’s recovery, and patience. It was a great start to the weekend! Aye!
Mile 1: 16:30
Mile 2: 16:37
Mile 3: 16:22
27 PAX gathered at Southview today for a tedious beatdown. PAX members included: Bluto, Flutie, Trojan, Honeymoon, El Chapo, Cogsworth, Sideshow, Gadget, Stiffler, Brute, Scrooge, Mailman, Mayor, Pixar, Trinity, Splinter, Froman, Colonel, Kitty, Ozzy, Lavar, Mr. Belding, an FNG (nicknamed Panic during the CoT), Dollywood, Poodle, Worm, and Friday, YHC.
YHC listed the 5 core principles of F3 and welcomed the FNG.
YHC suggested he might drop some nuggets about some Q-Source material. Then, YHC’s dreams of a perfect warm-up circle were dashed by the inconsiderate parking job of the owner of a Toyota Highlander.
We warmed up with some Side-Straddle Hops, High Knees, and Butt Kickers. Following that, we mosey’d to the track.
We did a B.L.I.M.P.S. workout on the track. We would run 200m and then do an exercise for each letter of blimps. Every 200m, a letter was dropped until all that was left was B. Then we climbed back up to BLIMPS.
B-Burpee (5 reps)
L-Lunge (10 reps)
I-Imperial Walker (15 reps)
M-Merkin (20 reps)
P-Plank-Jack (25 reps)
S-Squat (30 reps)
Froman knew the only way he would get through 200m first was if he got a headstart, so he decided to take matters into his own hands by starting his run while the rest of the PAX was starting their Merkins. He quickly turned around as he realized that though he was small, he was not small enough to slip away from the PAX.
Overall, the PAX completed 6 laps (1.5 miles) and 515 reps. The PAX as a whole toughed it out and made it through this workout with nothing but sore muscles (and complaints).
We mosey’d back to the parking lot, which was greeted by a few comments, including “I thought we were finally done running!” PAX circled up (away from the Toyota this time) and stretched it out.
We ended with Count-o-Rama and Name-o-Rama, then we got to know the Six, who happened to be Cogsworth. YHC learned that Cogs’ favorite movie was Beauty and the Beast. PAX named the FNG Panic.
Finally, we offered up our prayer intentions, which included prayers for Kitty’s uncle, safe travels for Honeymoon’s family, counsel for the kids involved in school shooting threats, and prayers for the Confirmation candidates who are being Confirmed tomorrow.
All in all, a tough but fun (and painful) workout. YHC was glad to be with this group of guys and it was a successful first Q!