Southview High School
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Date(s) - 11/25/2018
6:00 am - 6:45 am
The Q:
Sipe and Nails
Southview High School
Date(s) - 11/25/2018
6:00 am - 6:45 am
The Q:
Sipe and Nails
Southview High School
DATE: 11/25/18
COUNT: 7 PAX posted
QIC: Mater
PAX POSTING: Sipe, Mater, Mailman, Sleeves, Geppetto, MacMuarry, Extra Extra (FNG)
Started off with a brief rundown of the F3 principals and disclaimer.
The Thang:
We played a card game called Tonk, F3 style. Tonk is a popular game at my in-laws gatherings. Each player gets 3 cards. On your turn, you can draw a card or take a card off the pile then discard one. The goal is to get as close to 31 in the same suit as possible. If you think you have the best hand (or not the lowest hand) you say Tonk and everyone else gets one more turn. Whoever has the lowest hand (in the same suit) is supposed to put a quarter in the middle. The last one with quarters wins the pot. The cards we used are F3 cards with a workout on each card. We played Tonk but instead of losing money we did the workouts on the winning hands cards. Mailman didn’t quite get the gist of the game and Tonk’ed on his first turn….every….single….time. And somehow it seemed he always had the 100 side straddle hops card.
I’m not exactly sure what we did as it was dictated by the cards. We did a lot of SSH’s, some merkins, calf raises, lots of lunges, squats, dips, a 400 meter run, walking lunges, LBC’s, Freddie Mercuries, and the list goes on. Hopefully it was a good workout.
As we were moving back to the flag for the COT we ran into Nick who had intended to get to his first workout but he missed his alarm. We chatted for a minute then invited him into the COT. The Q went over the 5 principles of F3 again for Nick’s benefit then, in honor of our new FNG, we did a quick 25 merkins in cadence. We brought Nick in the middle to name him. He mentioned that he heard about F3 in the City paper and saw it was named the best workout group of the year (or something like that) so he wanted to join. In honor of him being headlocked by the paper Mailman named him Extra Extra.
After naming Extra Extra we prayed for those who don’t have family this time of year, for the troops and for Bluto and his wife for a smooth delivery.