Stranahan Elementary
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Date(s) - 05/24/2018
5:30 am - 6:15 am
The Q:
Hustle and Rose
Stranahan Elementary
Date(s) - 05/24/2018
5:30 am - 6:15 am
The Q:
Hustle and Rose
Stranahan Elementary
May 24th: 3Xs the Fun
Q = Brute
26 Post, no FNGs
Started out with some side straddle hops, a few Michael Phelps and then split into 4 teams. Full deck of cards at one of the building and another at the other end.
Each team drew a card: Hearts = Full Sit ups/LBC/ or Pedal Pushers (team decided) Diamonds = Squats of Calf Raises Clubs = MT Climbers or Imperial Walkers (2 is one) and Spades = Merkens
Jacks = 11, Queen = 12, King = 13 and Ace = 14. All other cards represented the numbers on the card. Draw a card, multiple the number by 3 and complete the exercise. Run halfway around the building to draw another card. Cards were shuffled, it was luck of the draw. Each team finished 7 laps around the school equaling 1.75 miles of cardio and plenty of reps in between.
Posted: Mailman, Ticket, Romano, Klinger, Splinter, Hustle, Sipe, Trapeze, Trinity, Hacksaw, Wiggum, Modell, Commodus, Android, Rihanna, Bluto, Elana, Gap, Rebo, Cogsworth, Motorboat, Kitty, Glitch, Poodle, Gadget, and Brute.
COT: Continue prayers for Riley, Cogsworth friend Jim who just lost his son, praise for Kitty’s uncles good health, always for the troops and their sacrifice, and upcoming Memorial Day weekend.
Always a honor to lead such a great group of men