The Big Green (Little Flower Parish)

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Date(s) - 11/11/2020
5:30 am - 6:15 am

The Q:

Little Flower Parish (The Big Green)


boot camp, Toledo

Bootcamp style workout that typically takes advantage of the big green field north of the church. Park in the north lot. “Takes advantage”

1 reply
  1. Anonymous
    Anonymous says:

    November 11, 2020
    Mean Joe Greene Back Blast
    Q: Brute
    10 PAX No FNGs
    Covered 5 Core Principles, Mission Statement, Credo
    Lap Around Building
    30 Side Straddle Hops

    Suicide Course set up: Partner Up for 10 exercises, 78 reps each in honor of Mean Joe Greene’s 78 career sacks. While one partner is performing exercise, other partner is running suicide, forward run down, backwards run back.
    1. Diamond Merkins
    2. Klinger Kicks 2 is 1
    3. Squats
    4. Merkins
    5. Heel Taps 2 is 1
    6. Mt. Climbers 2 is 1
    7. Burpees
    8. Big Boy Situps
    9. LT. Dans
    10. Wide Merkins

    Each team was able to get through all 10 sets and then some.
    COT: FROG IV this Saturday, Cherry Street this evening, prayers for the country and thankful for all the veterans who have served this great nation.
    PAX: Mater, Danica, Scrooge, Mailman, Tidwell, Dr. Nick, Beaker, Side Show, Tupac, Brute.

    Always an honor to lead a great group of men!


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