The Big Green (Little Flower Parish)

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Date(s) - 11/18/2020
5:30 am - 6:15 am

The Q:

Little Flower Parish (The Big Green)


boot camp, Toledo

Bootcamp style workout that typically takes advantage of the big green field north of the church. Park in the north lot. “Takes advantage”

2 replies
  1. Mailman
    Mailman says:

    Today marked the first day at this new AO for F3 Toledo! What a turnout! We had 15 HIM get out of the fartsack to get better.

    PAX: Patch, Johnny, Beaker, Ticket, Bob Vance, Scrooge, Cousteau, Dauber, Rubble, Romano, Tidwell, Jimmy Dean, Tupac, Danica, and Mailman.

    QIC: Mailman

    The Thang: With Caddyshack in our wake, we began with an introduction to “The Big Green.” Mailman explained that it is the opposite of Little Flower and it also has the large green field to the north of the facility. This name is also based off of the 1995 Disney classic by the same name, click here –>

    We moseyed around the building to see all that the new AO has to offer. Through wet grass and puddles, we made it to field. The grass was wet from the night before but had to utilize the big green field for the first morning. Mailman had 5 flags set out equal distances from goal post to goal post running north and south. Flag 1 (North) had 10 Burpees, Flag 2 had 20 Jump Squats, Flag 3 had 30 Hand Release Merkins, Flag 4 had 20 Big Boys, and Flag 4 had 10 Inchworms.

    The progression was to run from the southern goal post to the northern goal post then go to Flag 1. Once completed, PAX would run back to the southern goal post. From there, they would run north to the northern goal post then go to Flag 2. Once completed, they would run back to the southern goal post and continue on with Flags 3, 4, and 5.

    We got through a few rounds of this and then Mailman had everyone count off by 2s for even teams. Each team Al Gore’d along the wooden piles to the north near the dumpster. Each team was to Al Gore while one team member zig zagged through to the other side. Once everyone was finished we did the same thing but with planks and bear crawls.

    Finally, we lined up on the northern wall of the building in one single line and wall sat. During the wall sit, one by one, each PAX would bear crawl to the other side of the line.

    COT: COR, NOR, 6 (Scrooge), Announcements for Froglympics and RIP Caddyshack. Prayers for Bob Vance’s family member.

    All in all The Big Green showed that it is a great AO! As always, it is an honor to Q, thanks!


  2. Andy Roth
    Andy Roth says:

    Side Straddle Hops, various sprints – regular, karaoke, butt kicks

    First ⅓ – 3 stations over at the playground
    2 minute timer – 2 rotations with 30 seconds in between sets
    Station 1 – Gaga Ball
    Play gaga ball
    Once out do merkins until you get back in

    Station 2 – swing set
    10 kick-outs, 10 pull-ups on swings, 10 jump squats
    Repeato until time runs out

    Station 3 – monkey bars
    10 toe taps, 10 pull ups, 10 1-legged squats (2 is 1)
    Repeato until time runs out

    Second ⅓ – go to the field
    Round 1 – throw the glow-in-the-dark wiffle ball. Run to where it ended up and do 3 burpees. Repeato until you’ve covered the entire soccer field down and back
    Round 2 – throw the glow-in-the-dark wiffle ball. Run backwards to where the ball is, do 5 jump squats. Repeato until you’ve covered the entire soccer field down and back.

    Third ⅓ – parking lot
    Ladder-Up – total of 10
    Round 3 – mountain climbers and hand-release merkins

    PAX members in attendance – Mailman, Tupac, Cousteau, Rubble, Ticket and Beaker. Q’d by Beaker


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