The Big Green (Little Flower Parish)

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Date(s) - 12/30/2020
5:30 am - 6:15 am

The Q:

Little Flower Parish (The Big Green)


boot camp, Toledo

Bootcamp style workout that typically takes advantage of the big green field north of the church. Park in the north lot. “Takes advantage”

1 reply
  1. Ticket
    Ticket says:

    “Lucky” Workout
    The Big Green
    Q: Ticket
    PAX: Bluto, Tupac, Huffy, Sideshow, Smails, Moana, Van Gogh, Mailman, Ticket

    The fresh snow on the ground did not deter the PAX from joining YHC in honoring my grandfather, a WW II vet, who survived D-Day, and the Battle of the Bulge, but passed in 2020 six months earlier. Throughout the workout, YHC shared some information about Lucky and WW II with the PAX.

    Went over the F3 Mission and 5 Core Principles.

    Started off with a quick warm-up:
    Michael Phelps
    Arm Circles – forward and back
    10 Windmills
    15 SSH

    Tha Thang:

    Workout consisted of 4 rounds consisting of the following:

    15 Burpees IC
    20 LT Dan’s IC
    25 Military Merkins IC
    30 WW IIs (Big Boy Sit Ups) IC

    Run a lap around the school
    Plank for the 6

    The reps for each round added up to 95, 1 for each year of Lucky’s life.

    After completing the 4 rounds, the PAX circled up for the COT.

    6 was Moana
    Announcements – Speed ruck on 1/23, winter challenge starting on 1/1
    Prayers for those impacted by COVID

    Truly an honor to lead the PAX? So, grateful for the support from F3 Toledo PAX that came out and Black Swamp PAX that made the trek north to help me honor my grandfather.


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