Scott High School (The Dawg House)
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Date(s) - 10/11/2018
5:30 am - 6:15 am
The Q:
Scott High School
Park in the parking lot behind the school.
Mike Myers Beatdown
QIC – Dauber
PAX – Go Go, Gap, Modell, Wolfgang, Rocco, Usain, Edward Penishands
This was my first Weinke-free beatdown, I had a plan in my head and a team of bad asses ready to execute it. Core principles were reviewed during some warm ups and then after ac warm up lap
We paid tribute to CCHS Football with a trip down Burma Road – introduced to us by our friend Rose ( start at Goal line Bear Crawl 5 yds, Sprint width of field, bear Crawl 5 yds, …
After waiting for Gap’s slow Auburn-loving ass to finish – YTC had been planking ( no hands) while we waited – It was time for the Mike Myers Beatdown – We started at the Goalline – a member of the PAX was asked “left or right?”and based on the answer ( or how much Rocco was lagging behind) we moseyed, Bear Crawled, or Lunged to the chosen hash and completed that yard line number of a given exercise. This process was repeated until we reached the 50 (where Modell begged for a brief respite and so we did about 30 seconds of a Jamie Lee Curtis) – lay prone on stomach like you are hiding under a bed desperately hoping MM doesn’t have the flexibility (or peripheral vision) to check under the bed. Exercises included : a variety of merkins, squats, Usain Bolt 45s, Burpees, Klinger Kicks, BiG Boy Situps. After the Jamie Lee Curtis we resumed the pattern until we reached the other End Zone.
We circled up for 5 minutes of Mary with each PAX leading an exercise; mOseyed to the Flag for COR, NOR, and COT where YTC gave thanks for the diversity of this group and the mental, spiritual, and physical growth I have gained from it.
Epilogue – many of the names have been changed to protect the innocent or author’s penchant for leading the struggle bus