The Fortress (Woodland Park)
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Date(s) - 12/21/2019
6:30 am - 7:30 am
The Q:
Fort Imagination
boot camp, Perrysburg
Boot camp style workout. At Woodland Park. Two large Playgrounds, Frisbee Golf Course, 1 Mile Dirt Track, HUGE Field. Plenty of space here to craft a diabolical smokefest for even the strongest PAX.
Entrance is off East Boundary. Kip Boulis Drive.
SATURDAYS always followed up with 2nd F (fellowship) at Lamplight Cafe and Bakery located at 121 W. Indiana ave. Great opportunity to get to know members of F3Toledo and refuel from the workout.
Q: Rick “Huckleberry” Thielen
12/21/19 @ 6:30 a.m.
The Fortress-Perrysburg
Thai Guy
Travis Kozek FNG (“Booyah”)
Josh Mickalak FNG (“Biggie”)
Van Gogh
Jimmy Dean
Jessie Miller FNG (“Fossil”)
Q: Huckleberry
F3 (Fitness, Fellowship and Faith)
To plant, serve and grow men’s small workout groups, in order to reinvigorate male community leadership.
Free of Charge.
Open to all Men.
Held Outdoors, rain or shine, heat or cold.
Led by Men on a rotating basis who participate in the workout with no training or certification-meaning you must be aware of your own limitations.
We end with a Circle of Trust.
Circle Up and Count Off (1-22)
FNG (Friendly New Guy): Jessie “Fossil” Miller, Josh “Biggie” Michalak and Travis “Booyah” Kozek
The Thang:
Q asked all to give thought to the many ways that F3 is INCLUSIVE in its mission, its principals, its practice…how Fitness at all levels, Fellowship of all types and Faith of all beliefs play in this thing we call F3.
Today’s Beatdown is in direct recognition of the Inclusive Playground Initiative.
Warm Up
In Cadence
21-Side Saddle Hops
I N C L U S I V E :
I: Imperial Walker (2 is 1)
Standing with hands on head as if you are doing a sit up. Lift your knee to the opposite arm”s elbow. Repeat with other knee and opposite arm’s elbow.
N: Never Cross Dolly
On your 6 just like a Hello Dolly but your upper body is in the Iron Cross position. Doing a Hello Dolly while on your 6 and only your 6 is touching the ground.
C: Crab Cakes (2 is 1)
In Crab Walk position. Raise right hand and left leg, touch hand to knee. Return to Crab Walk Position. Repeat with opposite leg and hand.
L: Lt. Dans (2 is 1)
A squat and 2 single-leg Lunge combination.
U: Up Downs
High Knee for each knee then you drop so your chest hits the dirt and bounce back up to standing position.
S: Side Straddle Hops
Jumping Jack
I: Incline Merkins
Push Up using a bench or seating wall.
V: V-Up Roll Up (4 Count = 1)
Start laying flat on back with arms extended above head. Do a full sit up and touch your toes. As you are returning, when mid back hits the ground, raise the legs to 45 degrees and hold legs and crunch up and touch your toes. 4 count = 1.
E: E2K
On your 6. Right ankle over your left knee while your left foot is on the ground, bring your left elbow to your right knee. Switch. Aka the oblique crunch.
After each set (I-E), Run the parking lot circle.
Start the first set, doing one each, then run.
Second set is two each, then run.
Third set is three each, then run.
So forth until your reach 10 each.
Repeat ten each and then work your way back to one each.
(1-10 and then 10-1)
At Q’s notice, end with group cool-down jog around parking lot circle together.
Circle of Trust:
Count Off (1-22)
Six was Pacer
Ask for Announcements and Prayer Intentions
Concluded at 7: 40 a.m.
Second F (Fellowship) is at Lamplight Cafe.