The Fuse (Southview HS)

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Date(s) - 10/06/2019
6:00 am - 6:45 am

The Q:
Sipe and Nails

Southview High School


boot camp, Sylvania

Typical routine: warm-up with Merkins, stretching, side-straddle-hops, etc.  Then proceed to the track and/or field for running mixed with strength training.  Finish off with the C.O.P (circle of pain) for merkins, planks, ab work, supermans, etc.

1 reply
  1. Anonymous
    Anonymous says:

    SImmons Sessions

    Began with 5 core principles of F3
    Always free, open to all men, held outside rain or shine, peer led, end in the COT.

    4 Pax members no FNGs
    Tupac, Gap, Mary Lou, Simmons
    Q: Simmons
    4 stations set up around the track, completing one exercise and jogging to the next station.

    Station 1
    1) Merkins # 60
    2) Diamond merkins # 45
    3) Dog leg Merkins # 30
    4) Staggered hand merkins # 30

    Station 2
    1) Squats # 75
    2) Lunges # 60
    3) Side lying abduction 25/leg
    4) Jump Squats # 50

    Station 3
    1) Budda crunches # 75
    2) Leg Throws # 30
    3) Supermans hold 75 count/30s rest/75 count
    4) Planks
    a. 1 minute/1 minute left/1 minute right

    Station # 4
    1) Calf raises 50/calf
    2) Step ups 30/leg on a bench.
    3) Dips # 30
    4) Hand walk on bench

    We stuck together as a group for each station and competed the circuit

    Ended with COT and prayer requests including prayer for family unity/putting others before self.

    Honored to lead this group of men. Challenged to get stronger physically and focus on 3rd F.


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