You did this to you -Tecumseh, 1812 (The Fortress) – 2/24/18

Q: Mother Rucker

Pax: Bourbon, Tupac, Jennay, Bambi, and Woodstock

Began with F3 principles and outline of general purpose of today’s ruck. Purpose being general prep for GrowRuck 009.

Warm up: Pec stretch, lower trap activation, quad stretch, and hamstring stretch. Start rucking parameter of park.

Welcome party module: OH static holds, thrusters, ruck swings, low crawl, walking lunges, duck walk, and inch worm. Intermittent education points on ruck loadout, allowed Pax to see my gear loadout for examples and questions.

Mission simulation module: Pax introduced to Pain Train as part of a drill to simulate an EOD mission. Pain train of 40#, 60#, and 80# sandbags.One man on flag, rotate out as needed. Mission abbreviated to accommodate for extended teaching in prior module. Once at Bravo target site, ordance was “dismantled” by “8 count” man makers, 11 of them because Tupac needs to learn not say “Sir” to the Cadre. Pain train successfully dismantled and sensitive equipment was returned to endex.

Endex: Gratitude expressed for attendees participation. Prayer intention for Bambi and M, Woodstock and scouts, and my old man.

AAR: Pax were very appreciative of the education, introduction to new challenges they may see on the GrowRuck, and rucking specific stretching they may help prevent injury. Room for improvement with time under rucks, and distance. Teaching derailed good livin’, next time have a plan for teaching points, try not to get digressed by addition questions in the future. Offer more counseling with pain train management.

Conclusion: A good 2 hours of mix event prep and good livin’ but too light on good livin’. Will make it suck more next time.

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