Relay Race-O-Rama (The Oasis) – 2/3/18

QIC: Romano
PAX: Dauber, Rocko, Modell, Honeymoon
FNG: Joel “Tha Dude” Pollitz (EH Credit: Honeymoon)

Tha Thang:

6 PAX converged on The Oasis for the beatdown.

10 Side Straddle Hops

Heat #1
Pairs of 2- Between the 2, complete:
200 push-ups
200 squats
200 big boy sit-ups

While your partner does the reps, other partner picked up a coupon and ran/walked 50 yards and back

Heat #2

Partners run a 1/2 lap, meet in the middle
10 bro-pees
Partners run a 1/2 lap, meet in the middle
10 bro-pees

Heat #3

Jack Webbs to 7
Frog Jump 20 Yards
Frog Jump 20 Yards
Frog Jump 20 Yards
Etc. until we got to 7

PAX offered great thoughts on fatherhood/husbandhood/patience/prayers for all. Romano offered final thoughts and prayers.

M.O.A.R. 2 (The Oasis) – 2/3/18

2/3/18 Pre-Ruck

Q: Mother Rucker
PAX: Dauber, Honeymoon, Modell, Mother Rucker
AO: The Oasis

Began with the F3 principles: outside, free, men, COT, peer lead. Left the Oasis and returned after 1 hour, 9 minutes, and 14 second had passed, and 3.87 miles had been traversed. One little break was made for a quick 60 second plank hold in Start HS parking lot. During our short time together much bonding was had, and many of the world problems were solved through thought and word. The ruck was ended with gratitude for the PAX present, and prayer intentions were offered.

A Rucksack Workout (Mt. Doom) – 2/3/18

QIC: Hustle

8 pax posted for ‘A Rucksack Workout’: Wake, Sideshow, Balco, Mercy, Bluto, Mr. Belding, El Chapo, Hustle. Some guys came from a pre-ruck and I’m sure wanted nothing more to do with their rucksacks but showed up anyway.

We warmed up, doing a seamless transition from SSH, to Merkins, to American Hammers, all in cadence.

Da Thang: 4 cones set up at the top of Mt. Doom about 25 yards apart. We partnered up and each group started at each of the cones. Cone 1- squat thrusters using the rucksuck; cone 2- AMRAP of merkins with the rucksack on then remove once you lost form and finish the set; cone 3- ‘sack swings’ (i.e. kettle ball swings using the rucksack); cone 4- partners stand back-to-back and rotate 180 degrees, passing the rucksack. After each set, we ran to the bottom of Mt. Doom and did SSH doing the same number of reps that was just performed at the cone, leaving the rucksack at the top then running back up. Set 1 was 30 reps at each cone of each exercise, then 25, then 20 (the hope was to do 15, 10, and finish with 5, but YHC wanted to do something else). We had to hold the rucksacks overhead to go to the next cone.

After we all finished set 3 of 20 reps, we circled up. I think some were hoping that this was the COT but YHC had more in store with plenty of time for more exercises. We used our rucksacks and did American Hammers in cadence, stood up after each rep and hopped over the sack, sat back down, until we got to 10.

We then stood up, held the rucksacks in a bicep curl position. Wake started us off, and would lower the rucksack down and curled back up. This was done around the circle until we finished 10 reps, holding the rucksack in curl position until your turn was to lower it. A similar thing done next with rucksack overhead presses, holding the rucksack above, then lowered it once the guy before you lowered it, until we did 5 reps. Finally, we did static flutter kicks, with the rucksuck held above. But we started with 1 flutter kick, then all the way around the circle, then 2, etc. until we got to 5.

‘Learn about the 6’: it was Mr. Belding’s turn, and I think he said might have been his 4th time doing this (maybe he’s starting to do this on purpose??). He was EH’d by Colonel and was one of the first guys to show up at the first beatdown. He let us know what F3 meant to him to which we responded with an ‘AYE!’

The COT finally arrived with prayer intentions for one of El Chapo’s friend with stage 4 breast cancer and her family. YHC ended with ‘The ball of man’.

I appreciate being able to lead you guys, a privilege for sure, and never taking it for granted. Thanks again for the opportunity!

Pre 3rd F “Ruckin’ Roulette” (PBG Y) – 2/2/18

Pre 3rd F “Ruckin’ Roulette”
Q: Flo
Pax: Tupac, Casper & Buttermaker
0430 started w/ mission & 5 principles. Pax chose extra ruck plates & dumbbells for an OYO challenge level. Rucked 2.9 miles in 49 minutes. Finished with COT and headed inside for 3rd F Fight series session 1.

The Wall (The Wall) – 2/1/18

Q: Woodstock
PAX: Stark, Landslide, Bourbon, Buttermaker, Tupac, Flo, Casper, Spaulding

Opened with 3F’s, Mission, Core principles, disclaimer.

Warmed up with cadence’s of SSH, Windmills, and arm circles.

The Thang:
Circled up, and q instructed PAX to find their Wall today. PAX 1 would begin by running down the river possible toward Hood Park, stop at the road closed sign, and come back (~1/4 mile). Once PAX 1 returned, PAX 2 would go, etc. PAX not running did the following exercises in cadence:
Round 1 & Round 2:
Merkins – 25, using down/up cadence
Plank jacks – 25, using 4 count cadence
Burpees – 15, using 6 count cadence

Round 3 & Round 4:
Diamond Merkins – 20, using down/up cadence
Tri level Plank jacks – 6, using 4 count cadence (experimental)
Burpees – 10, using 6 count cadence

Next, we did a Bear crawl in a circle until Q called halt. One by one, PAX completed the called out exercise while remaining PAX held plank. Once all PAX completed exercise, bear crawl was resumed until next halt. Exercises were:
Squats x 10, flutter kicks x 10 (each leg), dips x 20.

Closed with 20 pickle pounders oyo.

Ended in a COT with COR, NOR, and Landslide was the 6.

Prayers were offered for the sick, injured, and expecting Father’s, plus for the beauty of the gloom and all F3 men.

1st Thursday of the Month Murph (Ant Hill) – 2/1/18

1st Thursday of the Month MURPH
Weather: Balmy 32 degrees and felt like…. 32 degrees
Q: Colonel
PAX: Spider Monkey, Brute, Froman, Brita, Splinter, Ollie, Kitty, Dauber, John Henry, Trinity, Hustle, Rose, Oz, Hedgehog, Rihanna, Sideshow, Gap, Costanza, Android, Colonel

YHC gave a rundown of the 5 core principles and asked how many PAX in attendance had never took on the Murph challenge. 4 pax raise their hand meaning YHC felt the need to give a brief rundown of not only the beatdown – simple 1 mile run, followed by 100 pull-ups, 200 merkins and 300 squats split up any way you felt best to accomplish and finished with a 1 mile run. Simple beatdown with strong backstory for a true hero.

Lt. Michael Murphy – Navy Seal, Penn State graduate with honors, Hockey Player at Penn St and turned down numerous prestigious law school opportunities to serve our country. Murphy served numerous missions in the war on terrorism. He gave his life in an effort to save the other members of his team when he exposed himself to gunfire from 100’s of Taliban in order to call in support. The Murph workout was his favorite workout. Murphy was 29 years old and was engaged to be married in Nov of 2005.

Some in the pax let it be known the day before their dislike of the Murph workout and Trinity asked for some music the night prior in order to assist in the quiet pain of the pullups, merkins and squatting. YHC agreed this was a more than fair request considering The Mickey was busy playing F3 with our bros. in F3 Louisville with Mater. His encouragement, grunting and effort was missed by all…
The whining about music selection was an unforeseen consequence of agreeing to supply said music. With the request coming in after 9pm on Wed night a playlist was not cued up. Music started with 90’s alternative in order to annoy Brute who is more fond of slow jazz and/or hymnal’s. When the pax complained YHC broke away and switched to Imagine Dragons. After 3 songs the mumbled complaints began once again and with such anger it only seemed appropriate to play the most hateful man in music – Eminem.
After Eminem’s “Til I Collapse” played the pax was instructed to finish up and work to get the 2nd mile in.

It should be noted Hedgehog (respect) was the first pax member to finish his PT and hit the run. Pretty impressive considering he is the same age as Froman, worked out Wednesday night and still was 10+ mins ahead of Froman whilst doing actual unassisted pull-ups.

YHC ran one extra lap to make sure 6 was in and tell the pax to wrap it up to finish on time. This lap was done with army cadence tunes and it was obvious this music should be played at all beatdowns moving forward ala Klinger’s recent Saturday beatdown.
Ollie was our 6 and shared what F3 means to him – the push to get better everyday and show up in the gloom – with intensity and purpose that wouldn’t be there without the accountability and fellowship F3 provides! Ollie also gave strong words to the importance of letting loved ones know you love them, care for them and making amends.

YHC took us out in BOM with prayers for MaryLou’s son Danny, the Troops, Hustles Aunt and 7 children for clarity and understanding, Thankfulness for the group and invite to bible study from Gap, and Rose’s comments on patience with our loved ones. In BOM/prayer tried to remember and respect all intentions as well as the intent of today’s beatdown – respect to all Troops and all that have fallen in honor of our freedom and country. Leave the beatdown and grab those in your home – M’s, children and extended family and let them know how much you love them and care for them.

Thank you for opportunity to lead the pax today. It goes without saying that this beatdown is easy to prepare for since it never changes each 1st Thurs of the Month. However I think it is imperative we all remember who the workout was named after, what he stood for and that he died in an effort to protect his men and brothers. You don’t like the Murph – then get better at the 3 exercises and work to improve your time and form each month if for no other reason – respect!

Also, YHC may or may not have listened to Army cadences for over an hour in the car today…. Man those are awesome. Apologies for not just playing that the entire time.

Dealer’s Choice (Pride Rock) – 1/31/18

Dealers choice began with F3 mission, 5 core principles and  count O-Ramma.. total of 10 PAX..

The Q has a silly idea to let the group decide what to do, each dishing out the pain, and there was pain involved, HURT SO GOOD. What seemed like a good idea was soon being questioned at least by the Q.

Contributions we as follows:
Bambi – Flower (Sally up) that was a long 4 minutes!.
Bagles – walk like an Egyption – thigh Killers
Gadget – Bear Crawls Crawl Bears (pride is a terrible thing)
Mr. Bending – Side Straddle Hops, Diamond Merkins (why not, more shoulders)
Colonel – Jump Squat knees to hands, Herpies (a special touch to an old favorite)
Brita – Plank Jack w/Shoulder tap, Donkey Kicks (his technique was something to marvel at)
H2 – Mountain climbers, Indian run (more leg work, as if our legs needed more)
Hedgehog – Jump Lunges, plank to Fat Bottom Girls (Never realized how long that song  is and was educated that world record plank is 5 hours, and I was complaining about these few minutes?)
TuPac (Q) – Indian run passing dumb bells
Ended in a COT (and a prayer of Thanksgiving that I survived, said to self)

Thanks to the men up North that welcomed Bambi and I. Always feel welcomed

Pre-Beatdown Run (Pride Rock) – 1/31/18

Pre-Beatdown run at Pride Rock
Pax-Tupac, Bagels, Bambi, Sipe, Hedgehog.

No FNG’s

Four Corner Drill (Atalanta) – 1/31/18

Today we had Bambi, Jenney,Woodstock, Bourbon, Tupac and Landslide (Q). We initially stretched as we were going to sprint. Four cones were set up in a rectangle, 60 yards X 30 yards. We sprinted the 60yards and walked the 30 yards. At corner on,when it was reached, we did 25 merkins. At the second corner, we did 25 LBCs the first time and then 25 American Hammers the second time through. At the third cone. the first time through we did 25 Swimmer Merkins and the second time we did 25 Diamond Merkins. At the last cone, we did 25 Starfish Sit ups and the second time we did 25 V Sit Ups. We continued this rotation for 30 minutes. We then played Ultimate Frisbee for 20 minutes.

The Legs Feed the Wolf (Stone Wolfe) – 1/31/18

The Legs Feed The Wolf
Date: 1/31/18
Weather: 25 Degrees and felt like 16
Count-a-rama – 14 pax, No FNG’s
AO – StoneWolf – Timberstone Junior High – A calming location with lots of options including a track, grassy fields, and parking lot arrows.

PAX present:
Klinger, Ollie, Wake, Rose, Ozzie, Mr. Belding, Modell, Jimmy Dean, Sipe, Mary Lou, Cousteau, Kitty, Rooster, Splinter

With 7 HC’s on the schedule, YHC was looking forward to a small but mighty group. To my pleasant surprise, 14 rolled in on this crisp final day of January. Went to check the time and realized that my watch had not made the trip with me…no worries, at least we aren’t doing a timed exercise as the first portion of the beatdown…oh wait!

No FNG’s decided to roll out of their fartsacks and join us the freezing temperatures, so we went right into the 5 core principles and got down to business.

We started off with a 1/2 mile warm up loop to get the PAX moving and Kitty (Site Q) along the way shared that he did not know there was sidewalk along the outskirts of StoneWolf…new terrain being explored!

YHC spoke briefly about a popular saying that Herb Brooks, US Olympic Men’s Hockey Coach, was famous for saying, “The Legs Feed The Wolf.” Meaning wolves in order to eat need to have great speed and endurance. Coach Brooks would often have his players endure long sessions of Herbies (suicide drills) on ice as part of their conditioning.

The Thang:

-YHC Reminded everyone that it is you against you and to push yourselves. Once you’ve set your bar on suicides, continue to hit that mark or beat it in future rounds.

10 Minutes of suicides and merkins
-PAX paired up and each pair stood behind a cone. ~35 feet away was a corresponding cone so that every pair had their own row.
-Partner 1 would run suicides for 1 minute while partner 2 did 25 merkins. (If you were done early on the merkins, rest and recovery so that you could push yourself on the suicides)
-Once the buzzer sounds, partners immediately switched.

The PAX was fresh and thirsty for more after the Herbie tribute so we moseyed to the Southern entrance of StoneWolf to get started on the next phase.

YHC explained that there were 15 arrows (actually said 13) on the ground in the parking lot that direct traffic. We would be running as a group to all the arrows and at each one perform 7 burpees. If you wanted to run ahead you could and do burpees while waiting for the 6 to make it over..the 7 count would start once the 6 arrived.

Group Run w/ Burpees
15 arrows – 105 burpees

Rooster led the way with YHC doing his best to keep up and the remaining PAX not far behind. And surprisingly enough, no one seemed interested in doing extra burpees while waiting for the 6 🙂

After hitting the last 2 arrows we circled back up and had time for some Mary. Everyone partnered back up with their Herbie partner from earlier and performed 50 big boy sit-ups to close out.

Klinger as always with great attention to detail, commented that Rooster and YHC’s attempt at partner sit-ups was feeble and did not look like we were helping one another at all with the ankles loosely interlocked.

Name-o-rama and count-o-rama with Belding as the 6 who shared with us his F3 journey and how it has impacted his life, aye! Thanks for sharing Mr. B!

Special intentions for Mary Lou’s son, Kitty’s family, and for the Troops.

-First time Qing at StoneWolf even though it’s the closest AO for YHC, was an awesome experience only made better by those who supported and got better in the gloom.
-Although the AO is large with many options…YHC decided it would be best that we workout to start in a stretch of pavement that was 35 x 15 which the PAX referred to as “cozy”.
-Couldn’t hear the timer on the phone for switching but thankfully Ollie and Klinger called out the buzzer..should equip the Bluetooth speaker next time.
-YHC said 13 arrows total on the jog which was incorrect as it was 15. This unfortunately / fortunately led to Jimmy Dean leading a portion of the PAX in 9 more post beatdown burpees to “Get to 100.” …even though we were already over that mark. #ISI Nice work leading by example on those burpees JD!
-Shout out to Rooster for making the trip down from Pburg! He admitted that sit-ups were his kryptonite however YHC would say any struggles were partner related today, he is a beast!
-Colonel graciously loaned some medicine balls that were not used in today’s beatdown…wall sits were planned but ran out of time. Still waiting on Colonel to post at StoneWolf, but we had to settle for just his balls today. One of these days maybe we’ll get the full Colonel.
-Thanks to Klinger for assisting with cone cleanup and the PAX for the opportunity to lead you this morning!